BitDefender safego

BitDefender Safego is an application developed by BitDefender designed to protect online social community members from different types of e-threats and from spam. The application was released on Facebook.
A Twitter version of Safego was released in 2011, and eventually closed on July 2013.
General Operation Principles
After installation, BitDefender safego automatically scans the content posted on users’ Facebook Wall and News Feed. Users will be warned in case a message in their News Feed, on their Wall or in their Inbox contains links to malware or is considered to be spam by the BitDefender scanning engines.
Safego includes a privacy protection feature which warns users in case their public profile contains private data that can be accessed freely by persons who are not among their contacts.
Scanning Procedure
BitDefender safego uses the BitDefender antimalware and antiphishing engines to scan URLs in the cloud. This scanning process is based on a blacklist of untrusted web sites and on heuristic detection.
Install/Uninstall Procedure
The BitDefender safego application can only be installed subsequent to obtaining users’ consent as to the application’s right to access the content of the users’ Facebook account.
Just as with any other application for Facebook, users can uninstall it by going to the Privacy settings of their Facebook profile and then click Remove.
According to PC Magazine,<ref name=""/> users are likely to grant BitDefender safego the required permissions precisely because this is an application launched by a data security vendor. One feature is highlighted as the real benefit of installing the application. Aside from protecting their own social network accounts, BitDefender safego users can also find out when infected content is posted on their friends’ accounts and make a comment to warn them about it.
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