Samgoma Edwards

Samgoma Oduwale Edwards (born July 4, 1992) is an American actor. He is best known for his roles as Young Jay-Z in the music video ' .
Life and career
Samgoma attended Talent Unlimited High School, a performing arts located on the Upper East Side of Manhattan in New York City. At the age of 11, Samgoma began a collection of homemade music videos for Jay-Z songs which were directed by his older brother Samtubia Edwards and friend Chris Alvarez After obtaining several hits on Youtube music video director, Chris Robinson got in touch with Samgoma wanting him to star in Jay-Z's video "Roc Boys" from the American Gangster Samgoma has appeared in several commercials and independent films. Aside from acting Samgoma is a director for TGFilms, a video production company founded by Samtubia Edwards that specializes in everything from commercials to films.
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