Diana Napolis

Diana Louisa Napolis, also known by her on-line pseudonym Karen Curio Jones or more often simply Curio, is an American former social worker. Between the late 1990s and 2000, Napolis posted a series of pseudonymous accusations alleging that individuals skeptical of the satanic ritual abuse moral panic were involved in a conspiracy to cover-up the sexual abuse and murder of children. The pseudonymous poster's real life identity was discovered in 2000 to be Napolis.
In 2001, she was charged with stalking film director Steven Spielberg, and in 2002 faced more charges for making death threats against actress Jennifer Love Hewitt, and was committed to a state hospital until fit to stand trial. After a year in prison Napolis pleaded guilty to stalking and was released on probation.
Satanic ritual abuse allegations
Napolis originally worked as a child protection worker for nearly 10 years (leaving the position in 1996), becoming involved in the satanic ritual abuse (SRA) moral panic that arose in the early 1980s. By the late 1990s the phenomenon was rejected by mainstream scholars and law enforcement experts, but Napolis continued to believe in the existence of SRA. Napolis held that those who had discredited the phenomenon were themselves child abusers involved in a conspiracy to conceal their activities from the public.
Jennifer Love Hewitt
On September 18, 2002, Napolis "verbally confronted" Jennifer Love Hewitt while entering the 2002 Grammy Awards, and the subsequent day attempted to pose as a friend of the actress to enter the premiere of The Tuxedo. On October 10 Napolis again tried to confront Hewitt at a filming, and e-mailed several death threats to the actress later that month. and remanded to San Diego County Jail on $500,000 bail.), Napolis pleaded guilty to stalking on September 29, 2003, receiving five years probation; in addition, she was required to enroll in a counseling program, surrender all weapons and firearms, abstain from drugs and alcohol and refrain from using computers. Napolis was also barred from any contact with Spielberg, Hewitt and their families for 10 years and was required by the judge to continue taking prescribed medication.
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