Juha-Pekka Autti

Juha-Pekka Autti was born in Oulu, Finland. He is considered an important part of the Finnish metal scene because he tried to remove the boundaries between the different metal genres. He believed that music should not be separated and classified, it was his view that all music was in fact the same. He taught his fellow musicians that music is not a tool to make political statements, nor should it be used for personal gain. Although he acknowledged that music was indeed the way he made a living, he did not create it for the money, but for the beauty that others could imagine from listening to the sound that his band Noctosin made together. Although critics considered his work to be that of the Power metal genre. Autti dismissed all attempts to identify his style. "My music does not need a name, it doesn't have a style, you can feel it, that is all". His musical collection included everything from Classical music, Rhythm and Bass to the Sounds of the nature.

Autti played Rhythm guitar in a band called Oneride from 1992 until 1994. He left the band because he felt he was too restricted in the sounds that he could make and the feelings he could invoke in the human spirit. This lead him to form Noctosin which allowed his to finally fulfill his passions with others who shared his views.

The band's only album sold 12,000 copies worldwide. A second album was planned but before it was released the band's legacy came to a tragic end.


On the 24th of September 1999, Autti's car was hit from behind by a drunken driver at Three am on the Pudasjärvi-Kiiminki highway. He sustained multiple fractures to his skull and died later that day. Eicca Koivunen was charged with causing death by dangerous driving and received a four year sentence.
The remaining members of Nocotsin were devastated and as a result felt that the band could not continue without him and so they decided to split.


Autti was openly homosexual and had a long term relationship with Noctosin Lead Guitarist Sergei Körleinen, after his death, Körleinen was deeply affected and fell into a period of drug and alcohol abuse. His friend Yvette Paaoski helped to guide the other members through the difficult times.


Juha-Pekka Autti remains a well loved, iconic figure in Finnish Metal.
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