Nokia PUSH N900

</noinclude>PUSH N900 is a unique collaborative project from Nokia that was
launched as an arena for developers and hackers to push the limits of the Nokia N900 and the open source Maemo platform it runs on.
Hackers, modders and developers were tasked with connecting the Nokia N900 to "something they love" and showcasing their design and hacking skills with and London based digital agency Hyper also creating these retro 80's example hacks for the launch of the PUSH N900 campaign.
There were hundreds of entries to the initial panel of judges with only five teams gaining funding to produce a prototype of their creation and then take them on a 'World Tour.'
The five teams that made it to the final round were Haptastic, Sketch Your World, Soldering Skaters, Light Hack Crew and KAPing with the N900.
The PUSH N900 has an official blog that will be documenting all of the team's product developments.
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