"YOUNG MALANG is an upcoming Punjabi movie directed by Rajdeep Singh, Produced by Rahulinder Singh Sidhu, Starring Yuvraaj Hans, Neetu Singh, Vinaypal Butter, Anita Kelly, Baali Riar and Anjana Sukhanai. Young Malang will be Released on 20 Sep 2013
* Balli Riar as Jaskaran Brar
* Yuvraj Hans as Jazz
* Vinaypal Buttar as Kashmeer Singh
* Anjana Sukhani as Kiran
* Neetu Singh as Brittany
* Anita Kailey as Annie
* Produced By: Rahulinder Singh Sidhu
* Directed By: Rajdeep Singh
* Director of Photography: Anshul Chobey
* Director of Fashion: Mrs. Neha Sidhu
* Story By: Manshendra Kailey
* Screenplay: Manshendra Kailey and Rajdeep Singh
* Editor: Om Nath Bhakri
* Music Director: Gurmeet Singh (some songs by Vicky Bhoi & Gurmoh also)
* Choreography: Bhupinder Sayan (bhuppi)
* Action: Mohan Baggad
* Art Director: Kartik Vidhante
* Chief Executive Producer: Ajay Tanta
* RSG Studios VP Finance and Accounts: Navjot Mann
* Production House: RSG Studios Pvt. Ltd.
* Banner: Glimpse Motion Pictures
* Distributed in India: Surya Basic Brother
* Publicity Design: Thirsty Fish
* Visual Promotion: Trigger Happy
* Online & Digital Promotions and Piracy: Bull 18
* DI: Reliance Mediworks Adlabs
* Colorist: Mr. Sujit
* Sound: Fiesta Studios
* Audio Mixing and Matching: Alok Dey
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