Sensei Al Perry

Sensei Al Perry, AKA Big Sensei Al, AKA Master of the Reversed Ompelata™ (except in live rolling where it's not practical) started his martial arts career in 1990 training in Jui-Jitsu, Karate, Kick Boxing and Tae Kwon Do fighting. That was before the Ultimate Fighting Champions made Jiu-Jitsu the most sought after martial art in America starting in 1993. When Al started training in Jiu-Jitsu it was an obscure art with few practitioners. In 2000 Al created MMA Fighters and hasn’t looked back since. With over 12 years of combined MMA coaching and competing experience and a former US Nationals Champ on the team, there’s no loosing with M.M.A Fighters Academy. Of course, this is all pure speculation since Sensei Al has yet to date answer a single question regarding his lineage training.

Sensei Al is the most sought after BJJ Black Belt under The Gracies in Brazil™, and has often been referred to as "Brazil's best kept secret". As a result has been forced to keep the location of his school a secret to only a few special individuals. Amongst Sensei Al's elite students are the following elite warriors:

* Mecho "16 and Oh" McKinsey
* Armed "with a lil penus" Psycho
* Damon "the little cocksucker" 2120
* Scott "The Polish Terror" Wachowski

Much of Sensei Al's background is shrouded in myst, many believe him to be the last real ninja, and others still insist he simply doesn't exist.
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