Buckinghamshire Incinerator

Buckinghamshire County Council (BCC) are in the early stages of consultation on a waste management strategy, and have proposed the adoption of an Energy-from-Waste (EfW) facility of capacity around 210,000 tons per annum to manage most of Buckinghamshire's non-recyclable waste. It has been proposed by BCC that this facility might be located in Aylesbury Vale at College Road North, Aston Clinton, near Aylesbury.

Currently Buckinghamshire imports significant quantities of waste from other local authorities, including from the Greater London area. An estimated 360,000 tons per annum from the London area is disposed of in the Calvert landfill site.

Residents in the area have formed an action group (Aylesbury Chilterns Resistance to Incinerator Development - ACRID ) to campaign against the proposals, on grounds of poor location and the concern that more of London's waste might be imported into the area for incineration.

Residents in South Bucks have also formed an action group (Buckinghamshire Residents Against Incinerators - Brains) to oppose the proposals, on the grounds that the health hazards caused by emissions are unknown, unacceptable increase in HGV traffic to and from the site, other technologies, e.g. plasma gasification, have not been examined sufficiently, and a distributed approach with smaller facilities near to sources of waste would be fairer and possibly more economic.
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