Pierre-Louis Parant

Pierre-Louis Parant was born in Quebec City in 1962. He is a prolific creative mind, bachelor degree in Biologie and Architecture he is also an inventor. He as invented the waterbicyclce ( Surfbike ) when he was just 26 years old. This waterbicycle called :surfbike was acclaimed in 69 countrys and especially in France where numerous competitions take place. He also as invented the Yogakayak, that is a hybrid between surf and Kayak. Numerous other concepts as taken place in his mind' An ecological house, rotational building and biological recycling home appliance. He was Canadian junior Champion in Freestyle skiing in 1982, professional arialist show men in Europe and created the word adrenalin to describe extreme sports sensations. He also was the first to use: The slogan ( Les boys ) that was the title of popular French Candia Movies and TV series. After the accident of friend Yve Laroche he as left the extreme sports scene to built a Zen vision of a more ecological and spiritual future world.
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