
Psybernetics is a theoretical concept of interfacing the mind or thoughts into a machine. In generalized terms, cybernetics is interfacing the body with the machine and psybernetics is interfacing the mind into the machine. This concept also borders and parallels the movement known as Transhumanism; or H+.
Many believe that with the advancement of Biological and Technological understanding and achievement that the future will present us with such capabilities. The establishment of Virtual reality and Neuroscience are the pillars of this belief. Currently, the brain is still a greatly unexplored region. Once the human brain can be mapped out via fMRI the read-only ability of computer system will be able to respond to the signals from the users brain.
Read-only VS Read-write
The device that most envision is normally categorized with the computer terms of Read-only or Read-write in regards to Filesystem permissions. In a Read-only scenario the machine would only be able to read or interpret the users mind or thoughts. In a Read-write scenario the machine would not only be able to read the user but it would also be able to write or upload information into the user. The result is knowing-without-learning information; see The Matrix in the scene where Keanu Reeves/Neo/Thomas A. Anderson is on the [http://en. .org/wiki/List_of_ships_in_the_Matrix_series#Nebuchadnezzar_.28.22Neb.22.29 Nebuchadnezzar] with and starts to upload Kung Fu and Jujutsu into Neo.
Popular Culture
Such ideas have left marks in both the underground and mainstream cultures. Movies like The Matrix, eXistenZ, , and Virtuosity give a theatrical representation of this concept.
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