Petkovic nenad

Nenad Petkovic was born at 11.01.1982 as second child in Petkovic family, at Serbian capitol, Belgrade.
Since childhood, he was very talented for playing basketball.
At age of 11, he starts trainings in local basketball team Zarkovo dragons. His first coach used to be Bane Camel.
He has been playing in Zarkovo dragons for 16 years, when Dragons took out of action a jersey with his number.
Than, suddenly scout of Red Star Belgrade saw his internet video, where he was captured in jersey of LDP basketball section.
Scout was delighted with his potential and offered him to sign contract. Now, he is playing for Red Star Belgrade on position of play maker.
In future, his desire is to become president of Serbia and find a way for this country to be a part of E.U.
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