
An ananym is a name which has the letters reversed. This is often done for anonymity, or to create a new name with some information encrypted in it, as with a parent naming a child.
Examples are:
*Theodor Geisel (better known as Dr. Seuss) who published some children's books under the name Theo. LeSieg.
*Filmmaker and Star Wars creator George Lucas, whose name was modified into "Egroeg Sacul", a minor character mentioned in the Star Wars-themed ride Star Tours.
*In the first Harry Potter book, Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone, the name of the magic mirror is called "the mirror of Erised" and it shows "your heart's desire".
*In many works inspired by Bram Stoker's novel Dracula, the eponymous Count Dracula goes by the ananym "Alucard".
*In Dylan Thomas' radioplay "Under Milk Wood", the name of the Welsh town (hence the double L) where the story pans out is llareggub, which when reversed spells 'Bugger all'.
*Harpo Productions, founded by Oprah Winfrey. "Harpo" is "Oprah" spelled backwards.
*Aneres, the clothing line designed by Serena Williams. "Aneres" is "Serena" spelled backwards.
*Noob Saibot, a character from the Mortal Kombat series, is comprised of ananyms of the last names of two lead designers, Ed Boon and John Tobias.
* Author Ravi Laitu uses the Ananym Ivar Utial.
* In the book The Murder of Bindy Mackenzie, Finnegan Blonde is an ananym for the boy's real name, Ed Nolbangennif
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