Godlike Productions

Godlike Productions (also known by the acronym GLP) is a conspiracy theory website, one of the most popular in that genre. GLP has a logo with an UFO picture, and the caption: "UFOs, Conspiracy Theorists, Lunatic Fringe".
The main feature of the website is a forum, that doesn't require users to register, and anyone can post anonymously. The default handle for users who post anonymously is "Anonymous Coward", but posters can change that and enter any desired name. There are also registered users, who have a series of benefits, like no ads in the threads, among others.
While this site advertises as free, they will ask for registration and/or donation and does make use of a "super cookie" on your computer. You will see this request as a new pop-up detailing the features of the website. Saavy users can get rid of these "super cookies" with widely available programs. "GLP" does have a live chat feature providing live talk, guest speakers in the conspiracy theory field and occasionally live video. This feature is created with their own software.
According to its own stats, the forum attracts over one million visitors daily.
The website "The Hals Report" made a list in July 2010 of "The Top 20 Conspiracy Sites/Blogs/Forums" and Godlike Productions was listed in first place.
On July 2012, Alexa traffic ranking had Godlike Productions in the position 1,231 among all websites in the United States, and in position 2,991 worldwide, making GLP one of the 3,000 top websites in number of visits in the world.
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