
TechyV is a website founded on first of January in 2011, registred through It’s a website that provides to its users online solutions for their problems. It covers essentially computer and information expertise technology. It’s also a source for latest computer-related news.
However, posting and commenting aren’t allowed for the non subscribed users.
TechyV‘s estimated value is about $34,000 USD. Its annual revenue is approximately $5,000.
The website has a more than 14000 daily visitors and more than 80000 daily page views.'s three-month global Alexa traffic rank is 117,017.
Site Description
These page has four categories : Latest posts, Top rated posts, Author picked posts, and Most Read posts. . These posts may be in the form of Articles, Questions, Tips or Blogs. . Other information like the number of times a post is viewed, the rate at which the post is liked, the name of the author, etc. is also given by the side of the post. If a new article or a blog was created, the pages shows a notification.
The site shows its top users. It defines their expertise and their activity in the website.
The rest of the pages of the site have information about the online/idle users, the top posts, the birthdays of users, the archives and the number of visitor (total, unique and visitors of the day) in site statistics. The page then has the information relevant to the category. In the solutions section there are eighteen categories, which further have sub-categories where there are several questions submitted by users.
The site allows rating, commenting or answering on solutions or questions that were posted.
Articles can be written or viewed by the site users. The topics allowed are different: Hardware, Software, Internet Explorers, and Viruses, Web Development.
Blogs can be created or viewed. The users are allowed to record their views, opinions and information. Blogs’ topics are essentially about ISP traffic, secondary memory storage problems, memory Ram and inkjet printers.
Users are able to ask questions. The site has professionals which job is to answer them. Questions asked by others can be viewed. Users have to right also to provide replies for unanswered questions.
This section contains users’ personal experiences and views. Tips concern upgrading and advancements in the field of software and IT. Users are allowed to create and view tips.
Recent Posts
This section shows the recent articles, blogs, questions and tips for a quick access. Information about the category of the post, the title, the author, the number of replies, the votes, etc. can also be seen along the posts.
Member list
This section categorizes the members into all the members, the administrators and the top ten users. It also shows all the activity that’s been going on on the site, showing the comments of users, the users who had newly joined.
Sub tabs of the site
The black tabs found below the main navigation tabs include Active Directory, Apple, Cloud Computing, Database, Developer, Exchange Server, Hardware, Internet, Microsoft, Networking, Programming, Security, Software, Storage, Virus, OS and Others.
Live Chat with Experts
TechyV has a platform that allows an online chat with the available live members . The site is looking for allowing experts to provide the users with live support .
Search the Site Option
TechyV provides a Search Section option. This section offers the user support in order to locate their required stuff about technology. This features inculudes a "very option" that allows a second more relevant research in case the first query is not satisfactory.
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