Dylan Versus Cheyne

Dylan Versus Cheyne is a 2011 action comedy short film written and directed by and starring Dylan Blackwood and Cheyne Burberry, about two enemies fighting each other for no good reason.
It was released on September 2, 2011, on a YouTube channel called "TheSuperhotrod23".
The film opens with Cheyne walking in a car-park. He hears gunfire and takes cover. Dylan walks into the car-park holding a machine-gun. Cheyne shoots Dylan but Dylan takes cover behind a pillar. While Dylan in behind the pillar, Cheyne escapes down a flight of stairs. Dylan comes out from behind the behind the pillar and shoots at nothing.
Cheyne runs down to a garden and rests there. Dylan finds him and they have a gunfight. Cheyne stops it by hiting Dylan in the head with his gun. When Dylan is knocked out Cheyne shoots him.
While the credits roll Dylan opens his eyes, revealing that he's still alive.
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