A term widely used during the 2008 Presidential Election to describe changes in political processes and policies advocated by the presumptive Democratic and Rebublican party nominess so that they more closely resemble those of France. Although attributed to Paul Irving of Praetorian Advisors in 2007, the term francification was previously used in this context by an unknown unknown user on a Motely Fool bulletin board in October 2006. Prior to the use of the term "francification" in this somewhat perjorative fashion, the term "francification" was used almost exclusively to refere to the disappeatance of the patois in the area surrounding Lyon, Geneva, and Grenoble. Examples of authors continuing to write in their native patois notwithstanding francification include Amélie Gex (born 1835, Chapelle-Blanche, France - died 1883, Chambéry, France), the great Savoyard poet, wrote in her native patois language. Her works include: "Reclans de Savoie" (« Les Echos de Savoie », 1879), "Lo Cent Ditons de Pierre d’Emo" (« Les Cent dictons de Pierre du bon sens », 1879), "Fables" (1898), and "Contio de la Bova" (« Les Contes de l’Etable », -?-).