Divine Grid Healing

Divine Grid Healing was founded by TechnoPilot and the Healers of the Divine Grids in 2013. The firm is headed by Dr. RK Thomas, an award winning scientist.
Dr. Thomas presented a paper on "Role of Healing Sounds, Vibration and Scalar Energy in Cure and using Distance Healing Modes" at the International Conference on Multidisciplinary Healthcare at All India Institute of Medical Sciences Delhi in 2014 which heralded new concepts of future scientific healing incorporated in the Divine Grid Healing evolved by the firm TechnoPilot.
The Divine Grid Healing modality works with mathematical and defined scientific laws. It is also based on the strata that Dis-ease originates within the Consciousness; therefore it is doable to cure it from inside the consciousness and that every organ, like any other entity of awareness contains individual data field, creators matrix, which represents the foundation of the whole of survival. Dis-ease symbolises the so called imitation matrix, which deviates from the elemental matrix of the Creator.
TechnoPilot states that with Divine Grid Healing one can govern to self-heal, be serene and happy, prevent possible global and local catastrophes, govern time and weather conditions, always work for all-embracing harmonious development of all, momentarily change composition of food and drinks that one consumes, purify rivers, lakes, springs and the seas with our consciousness, momentarily change all adverse situations, prevent “departure” of loved ones etc.<ref name=dgh />
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