
The Capocelli are a family of the Italian nobility originally from Salice Salentino. From there it formed the Taranto branch of the family.
History and description of the arms
For several of the flames of fire from the last descendants of the family Capocelli this is the only fully advanced and that can be read in its discrete conservation.
And 'with handwritten letters in Latin characters on parchment size to fifty centimeters seventy-four, adorned with a frieze around watercolor ribbon that ties knots with seven oval medallions.
Of these three are on the upper side and the other four distributed to two for each side of both right and left.
The second medal of the right side contains the coat of Willow: blue background stands in a natural oak with the letter they capitalize gold braided trunk.
The third and final medallion quest'istesso side contains finally the arms of the student at John Capocelli Andrea, born in Willow to 1582.
The mere fact of making the studies and universitarii addottorarsi, especially in law, which was worth a climb to the top step of nobility that the students in the graduate should be worthy of their professional status, which had formed the coat of arms to distinguish them from ordinary people.
And Capocelli for the occasion, as well scorgersi by the sign, had to be drawing and painting her: divided longitudinally into two halves in the right on a red background comes out from the left side arm bent (left Cherio) covered d ' bare hand in armor holding a sword with the tip pointing upwards while the left half of a blue background and above detached two bands of gold, which extend down from the bottom right to top left, a head, covered by the morion to visor raised, uncovered her face and aims at the top left of a comet gold.
Diploma, composed istile bombastic and exaggerated as also the time involved trionfia and rhetoric, with many lengthy repetitions in all of its contents, and if you give the principle proclaims the award on behalf of King Philip III of Spain and for him Giuseppe Alfonso Pimentel de Herère. All inhabitants of the universe and each of the world-continues-are informed, prelates, princes, lords, associations and any and all other people individually and collectively. Here, then, that at 24 September 1603 the magnificent and skilful young Giovanni Andrea Capocelli the land of Willow, scholar in law and Cesareo dell'inclita Pontifical University of Naples was aimed doctoral examination requested and the judiciary on its idonietà in canon and civil law. Therefore, the predicted V Registrar and other Doctors of the University Faculty Beautiful received the thesis to be done. In canon law about de Fraternitate Clericis residentibus not, and in civil law: l. placuit etc.. de judicijs. The next day, finally, was unanimously approved as sufficient, skilled and capable, and with great honor, highest praise and admiration he was admitted to the PhD in utroque jure.
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