List of NEDA tournament results

This is a complete list of the NEDA National Educational Debate Association debate tournament results.
2005-06 Season
Spring 2006
Mar 31 - Apr 1, 11th Annual NEDA Nationals Tournament
Novice Team
*1st: Bob Jones University (Scott Buchanan and Amanda Babbitt)
*2nd: Ball State University (Melissa Sokolski and Jane Ren)
*3rd: Bob Jones University (Molly Park and Renee Smith)
*3rd: Hillsdale College (Sandman and Perkins)
Novice Speaker
*1st: Renee Smith (BJU)
*2nd: Jane Ren (BSU)
*3rd: Amanda Babbitt (BJU)
*4th: Ryan Daniel (AND)
*5th: Melissa Sokolski (BSU)
*6th: Scott Buchanan (BJU)
Open Team
*1st: Patrick Henry College (Brian Wright and Lindsey See)
*2nd: Bob Jones University (Ben Davis and Matthew Baker)
*3rd: Ball State University (Tucker and Flores)
*3rd: Patrick Henry College (Isaiah McPeak and Amy Rutledge)
Open Speaker
*1st: Ian Flores (BSU)
*2nd: Brian Wright (PHC)
*3rd: Matt Baker (BJU)
*4th: Lindsey See (PHC)
*5th: Laura Burgher (AND)
*6th: Patrick Manchester (DUQ)
Crossfire Team
*1st: Patrick Henry College (Caleb Dalton and Kirsten Winston)
*2nd: Duquesne University (Blaik and Vosacek)
*3rd: Owensboro Community College (Bozarth and Mattingly)
*4th: Patrick Henry College (Rebekah Ries and Daniel Watson)
Crossfire Speaker
*1st: Daniel Watson (PHC)
*2nd: Blake Bozarth (OCTC)
*3rd: Kirsten Winston (PHC)
*4th: Rebekah Ries (PHC)
*5th: Caleb Dalton (PHC)
*6th: Catie Brown (DUQ)
Mar 10 - 11, Wendell Ford Debates
Novice Team
*1st: Bob Jones University (Amanda Babbitt and Scott Buchanan)
*2nd: Bob Jones University (Forrest Maddux and Melissa Graeff)
*3rd: Ball State University (Jane Ren and Melissa Sokoloski)
*3rd: Bob Jones University (Molly Park and Renee Smith)
Novice Speaker
*1st: Renee Smith (BJU)
*2nd: Scott Buchanan (BJU)
*3rd: Molly Park (BJU)
*4th: Melissa Graeff (BJU)
*5th: Jane Ren (BSU)
Open Team
*1st: Patrick Henry College (Brian Wright and Lindsey See)
*2nd: Patrick Henry College (Kyle Green and Scott York)
*3rd: Bob Jones University (Ben Davis and Matt Baker)
*3rd: Patrick Henry College (Nick Timpe and Anne Corda)
Open Speaker
*1st: Kyle Green (PHC)
*2nd: Brian Wright (PHC)
*3rd: Matt Baker (BJU)
*4th: Isaiah McPeak (PHC)
*5th: Randy Melchert (BJU)
Crossfire Team
*1st: Patrick Henry College (Storm Swendsboe and Jeremy Croft)
*2nd: Patrick Henry College (Andrew Tyrell and Dominique Deming)
*3rd: Owensboro Community College (Blake Bozarth and Jessica Mattingly)
*4th: Southeast Missouri (Tanya Emde and Waynetta Rogers)
Crossfire Speaker
*1st: Blake Bozarth (OCTC)
*2nd: Sturm Swendsboe (PHC)
*3rd: Andrew Tyrell (PHC)
*4th: Dominique Deming (PHC)
*5th: Kourtney Keown (OCTC)
Feb 10 - 11, Capital University Tournament
Open Team
*1st: Bob Jones (Ben Davis and Matt Baker)
*2nd: Patrick Henry (Isaiah McPeak and Dominique Deming)
*3rd: Bob Jones (Randy Melchert and John Eby)
*4th: Patrick Henry (Nick Timpe and Anne Corda)
Open Speaker
*1st: Ben Davis (BJU)
*2nd: Nick Timpe (PHC)
*3rd: Ian Flores (BSU)
*4th: Ben Titter (AND)
*5th: Anne Corda (PHC)
*6th: Isaiah McPeak (PHC)
Novice Team
*1st: Patrick Henry (Paul Morin and Jacob Holt)
*2nd: Bob Jones (Molly Park and Renee Smith)
*3rd: Patrick Henry (Robby Gray and Katie Lindsey)
*4th: Anderson University (Abigail Linsner and Ryan Daniel)
Novice Speaker
*1st: Katie Lindsey (PHC)
*2nd: Renee Smith (BJU)
*3rd: Robby Gray (PHC)
*4th: April Quarto (PHC)
*5th: Jeremey Croft (PHC)
*6th: Molly Park (BJU)
Crossfire Team
*1st: Patrick Henry (Brian Wright and Lindsay See)
*2nd: Patrick Henry (Andrew Tyrell and Scott York)
*3rd: Patrick Henry (Travis Jordan and Jeremy Hamrick)
*4th: Patrick Henry (Kirsten Winston and Caleb Dalton)
Crossfire Speaker
*1st: Lindsay See (PHC)
*2nd: Brian Wright (PHC)
*3rd: Kirsten Winston (PHC)
*4th: Blake Bozarth (OCTC)
*5th: Andrew Tyrell (PHC)
*6th: Caleb Dalton (PHC)
Fall 2005
Nov 4 - 5, Hillsdale College Tournament
Open Team
*1st: Joseph Coates & Kellen Funk, Bob Jones University
*2nd: Anita Mohinani & Mabel Duguies, Bob Jones University
*3rd: Isaiah McPeak & Kawika Vellalos, Patrick Henry College
*4th: Matt Baker & Ben Davis, Bob Jones University
Open Speaker
*1st: Dan Burfiend (HILL)
*2nd: Kawika Vellalos (PHC)
*3rd: Randy Melchert (BJU)
*4th: Kirsten Winston (PHC)
*5th: Anita Mohinani (BJU)
Novice Team
*1st: Scott Buchanan & Amanda Babbitt, Bob Jones University
*2nd: Jeremy Croft & April Quarto, Patrick Henry College
*3rd: Kyle Miller & Forest Maddux, Bob Jones University
*4th: Evy Gnabasik & Elizabeth Montgomery, Hillsdale College
Novice Speaker
*1st: Scott Buchanan (BJU)
*2nd: April Quarto (PHC)
*3rd: Amanda Babbitt (BJU)
*4th: David Stehlik (HILL)
*5th: Kyle Miller (BJU)
Crossfire Team Semifinalists
*Scott Smith & Josh Klooz, Hillsdale College
*Brian Wright & Lindsay See, Patrick Henry College
*Carl Schnaufer & Laura Burgher, Anderson University
*Kyle Green & Storm Swensdoe, Patrick Henry College
Crossfire Speaker
*1st: Daniel Watson (PHC)
*2nd: Carl Schnaufer (AND)
*3rd: Brian Wright (PHC)
*4th: Caleb Dalton (PHC)
*5th: Laura Burgher (AND)
Oct 14 - 15, University of Dayton Tournament
Open Team
*1st: Isaiah McPeak & Travis, Patrick Henry College
*2nd: Anita Mohinani & Mabel Duguies, Bob Jones University
*3rd: Randy Melchert & Christen Nelson, Bob Jones University
*3rd: Matt Baker & Ben Davis, Bob Jones University
Open Speaker
*1st: Matt Baker (BJU)
*2nd: Randy Melchert (BJU)
*3rd: Kellen Funk (BJU)
*4th: Nick Timpe (PHC)
*5th: Ben Davis (BJU)
Novice Team
*1st: Scott Buchanan & Amanda Babbitt, Bob Jones University
*2nd: Julie Nixon, Southeastern Missouri State
*3rd: Jeremy Croft & April Quarto, Patrick Henry College
*3rd: Dominique Deming & Philip Demarest, Patrick Henry College
Novice Speaker
*1st: April Quarto (PHC)
*2nd: David Williams (BJU)
*3rd: Dominique Deming (PHC)
*4th: Julie Nixon (SEMO)
*5th: Amanda Babbitt (BJU)
Crossfire Team
*1st: Scott Smith & Josh Klooz, Hillsdale College
*2nd: Lauren Bucci & Carly Vosacek, Duquesne University
*3rd: Jayce Nichols & Brian Wright, Patrick Henry College
*3rd: Grant Sneed & Jennifer Markin, Southeastern Missouri St
Crossfire Speaker
*1st: Brian Wright (PHC)
*2nd: Jennifer Markin (SEMO)
*3rd: Jayce NIchols (PHC)
*4th: Lauren Bucci (DUQ)
*5th: Scott Smith (HILL)
Sep 30 - Oct 1, Anderson University Tournament
Open Team
*1st: Kawika Vellalos & Brittany Allan, Patrick Henry College
*2nd: Anne Corda & Nick Timpe, Patrick Henry College
*3rd: Patrick Manchester & Emily Campbell, Duquesne University
*3rd: Amy Rutledge & Isaiah McPeak, Patrick Henry College
Open Speaker
*1st: Brittany Allan (PHC)
*2nd: Joseph Coates (BJU)
*3rd: Kawika Vellalos (PHC)
*4th: Kellen Funk (BJU)
*5th: Anne Corda (PHC)
Novice Team
*1st: April Quarto & Jeremy Croft, Patrick Henry College
*2nd: Ajos Tang & David Williams, Bob Jones University
*3rd: Drew Navolio & Eric Erdman, University of Dayton
*3rd: Kyle Miller & Scott Buchanan, Bob Jones University
Novice Speaker
*1st: April Quarto (PHC)
*2nd: Drew Navolio (DAY)
*3rd: David Williams (BJU)
*4th: Ryan Daniel (AND)
*5th: Ajos Tang (BJU)
Crossfire Team
*1st: Brian Wright & Lindsey See, Patrick Henry College
*2nd: Caleb Dalton & Daniel Wayne, Patrick Henry College
*3rd: Michael Grembowicz & Kyle Ellis, Ball State University
*3rd: Arron Davenny & Jace Nichols, Patrick Henry College
Crossfire Speaker
*1st: Lindsey See (PHC)
*2nd: Brian Wright (PHC)
*3rd: Caleb Dalton (PHC)
*4th: Daniel Wayne (PHC)
*5th: Jace Nichols (PHC)
2004-05 Season
Spring 2005
Mar 31 - Apr 2, 10th Annual NEDA Nationals Tournament
Open Team
*1st: Randy Melchert and David Raab (BJU)
*2nd: Brett Mock and Kristina Moorhead (BSU)
*3rd: Joseph Coates and Kellen Funk (BJU)
*3rd: Matt du Mee and Christy Ross (PHC)
Open Speaker
*1st: Randy Melchert (BJU)
*2nd: Peter Kamakawiwoole (PHC)
*3rd: Matt du Mee (PHC)
*4th: Kellen Funk (BJU)
*5th: Elizabeth Nicolet (OCTC)
Novice Team
*1st: Megan Von Bergen and Amos Tang (BJU)
*2nd: Joe McGowan and Jennifer Shea (BSU)
*3rd: Jon Strano and Wade Luckett (DAY)
*3rd: Lori Pullan and Rebecca Tucker (BSU)
Novice Speaker
*1st: Jennifer Shea (BSU)
*2nd: Dominique Deming (PHC)
*3rd: Amos Tang (BJU)
*4th: David Williams (BJU)
*5th: Earl Petus (HILL)
*8th: Julie Hixson (SEMO)
Lincoln Douglas
*1st: Amanda Carpenter (BSU)
*2nd: Jennifer Markin (SEMO)
*3rd: Katy Jones (PHC)
*3rd: Dallis Pike (BSU)
*1st: Ball State University
*2nd: Patrick Henry College
*3rd: Bob Jones University
Mar 11-12, University of Dayton Tournament
Open Team
*1st: Matt du Mee and Christy Ross (PHC)
*2nd: Nick Timpe and Peter Kamkawiwoole (PHC)
*3rd: Randy Melchert and David Raab (BJU)
*3rd: Brett Mock and Kristina Moorhead (BSU)
Open Speakers
*1st: Matt du Mee (PHC)
*2nd: Peter Kamkawiwoole (PHC)
*3rd: Brett Mock (BSU)
*4th: Christy Ross (PHC)
*5th: Anita Mohinani (BJU)
Novice Team
*1st: Amber Smith and Cami Helm (PHC)
*2nd: Lindsey Whear and Justin Alvey (OCTC)
*3rd: Earl Petus and Scott Smith (HILL)
*3rd: Amos Tang and Meg Von Bergen (BJU)
Novice Speaker
*1st: David Williams (BJU)
*2nd: Megan Von Bergen (BJU)
*3rd: Dan Burfiend (HILL)
*4th: Amos Tang (BJU)
*5th: Julie Hixson (SEMO)
*8th: Matt Fox (SEMO)
Lincoln Douglas
*1st: Katy Jones (PHC)
*2nd: Ian Flores (BSU)
*3rd: Katie Teubl (PHC)
*3rd: Chris Taylor (HILL)
Feb 25-26, Wendell Ford Debates
Open Team
*1st: Matt du Mee and Christy Ross (PHC)
*2nd: Randy Melchert and David Raab (BJU)
*3rd: Blake Bozarth and Chris Dickman (OCTC)
*3rd: Elizabeth Nicolet and Amy Rutledge (OCTC)
Open Speaker
*1st: Brett Mock (BSU)
*2nd: Matt du Mee (PHC)
*3rd: Amy Rutledge (OCTC)
*4th: Randy Melchert (BJU)
*5th: Chris Dickman (OCTC)
Novice Team
*1st: Kellen Funk and Rebecca Gaal (BJU)
*2nd: Kirsten Winston and David Carver (PHC)
*3rd: Julie Hixson and Jennifer Markin (SEMO)
*3rd: Katie Lindsey and Dominique Deming (PHC)
Novice Speaker
*1st: Kirsten Winston (PHC)
*2nd: Rebecca Gaal (BJU)
*3rd: Jennifer Shea (BSU)
*4th: Kellen Funk (BJU)
*5th: Amos Tang (BJU)
Lincoln Douglas
*1st: Isaiah McPeak (PHC)
*2nd: Kawika Vallalos (PHC)
*3rd: Ian Flores (BSU)
*3rd: Justin Alvey (OCTC)
Feb 4-5, Duquesne University Tournament
Open Team
*1st: Brett Mock and Kristina Moorhead (BSU)
*2nd: Elizabeth Nicolet and Amy Rutledge (OCTC)
*3rd: Randy Melchert and Tim Silvester (BJU)
*3rd: Joe Valenti and Ally Susko (DUQ)
Open Speaker
*1st: Tom Snyder (PHC)
*2nd: Brett Mock (BSU)
*3rd: Joe Valenti (DUQ)
*4th: Elizabeth Nicollete (OCTC)
*5th: Keren McElvey (PHC)
Novice Team
*1st: David Carver and Kirsten Winston (PHC)
*2nd: Kellen Funk and Rebecca Gaal (BJU)
*3rd: David Raab and Meg Von Bergen (BJU)
*4th: Dan Burfiend and Ryan Thompson (HILL)
Novice Speaker
*1st: Dan Burfiend (HILL)
*2nd: Kirsten Winston (PHC)
*3rd: Kellen Funk (BJU)
*4th: David Carver (PHC)
*5th: Julia Messenger (PHC)
*1st: Patrick Manchester (DUQ)
*2nd: Amanda Carpenter (BSU)
*3rd: Dallis Pike (BSU)
*4th: Justin Alvey (OCTC)
Fall 2004
Dec 3-4 Ball State University Tournament
Open Team
*1st: Medhavi Bole and Joe Valenti (DUQ)
*2nd: Kristina Moorhead and Brett Mock (BSU)
*3rd: Kelsey Stapler and Kawika Vellalos (PHC)
*3rd: Randy Melchert and David Raab (BJU)
Open Speaker
*1st: Brett Mock (BSU)
*2nd: Amanda Carpenter (BSU)
*3rd: Ben Davis (BJU)
*4th: Anne Corda (PHC)
*5th: Kristina Moorhead (BSU)
Novice Team
*1st: Kellen Funk and Rebecca Gaal (BJU)
*2nd: Katherine Tuebl and Kirsten Winsten (PHC)
*3rd: Joe McGowan and Jennifer Shea (BSU)
*3rd: Jamie Rudder and Breanna Burton (SEMO)
Novice Speaker
*1st: Kirsten Winsten (PHC)
*2nd: Kellen Funk (BJU)
*3rd: Rebecca Gaal (BJU)
*4th: Jamie Rudder (SEMO)
*5th: Julia Massengill (PHC)
Nov 5-6, Hillsdale College Tournament
Open Team
*1st: Matt du Mee and Christy Ross (PHC)
*2nd: Brian Wright and Lindsay See (PHC)
*3rd: Nick Timpe and Peter Kamkawiwoole (PHC)
*3rd: Kawika Vellalos and Kelsey Stapler (PHC)
Open Speaker
*1st: Brett Mock (BSU)
*2nd: Brian Wright (PHC)
*3rd: Matt du Mee (PHC)
*4th: Kawika Vellalos (PHC)
*5th: Peter Kamkawiwoole (PHC)
Novice Team
*1st: Kellen Funk and Rebecca Gaal (BJU)
*2nd: Katherine Teuble and Kirsten Winsten (PHC)
*3rd: Robb Ranney and Kyle Miller (BJU)
*3rd: Patrick Manchester and Stacy Moniot (DUQ)
Novice Speaker
*1st: Rebecca Gaal (BJU)
*2nd: Patrick Manchester (DUQ)
*3rd: Robb Ranney (BJU)
*4th: Kellen Funk (BJU)
*5th: Kirsten Winsten (PHC)
*1st: Bob Jones University
Oct 22-23, Transylvania University Tournament
Open Team
*1st: Anne Corda and Samuel Curet (PHC)
*2nd: Matt du Mee and Christy Ross (PHC)
*3rd: Brett Mock and Kristina Moorhead (BSU)
*3rd: Dallis Pike and Amanda Carpenter (BSU)
Open Speaker
*1st: Brett Mock (BSU)
*2nd: Matt du Mee (PHC)
*3rd: Peter Kamakawiwoole (PHC)
*4th: Eric Hamm (HILL)
*5th: Amanda Carpenter (BSU)
Novice Team
*1st: Ryan Hornung and Anita Mohinani (BJU)
*2nd: Kellen Funk and Rebecca Gaal (BJU)
*3rd: Blaze Bozarth and Chris Dickman (OWEN)
*3rd: Ferrell and Davis (TRA)
Novice Speaker
*1st: Ryan Hornung (BJU)
*2nd: Caleb Dalton (PHC)
*3rd: Blake Bozarth (OWEN)
*4th: Jennifer Shey (BSU)
*5th: Ryan Maurer (SEMO)
Oct 1-2, Anderson University Tournament
Open Team
*1st: Isaiah McPeak and Keren McElvey (PHC)
*2nd: Matt du Mee and Christy Ross (PHC)
*3rd: Nick Timpe and Kelsey Stapler (PHC)
*4th: Eric Hamm and Claire Keulties (HILL)
Open Speaker
*1st: Keren McElvey (PHC)
*2nd: Isaiah McPeak (PHC)
*3rd: Nick Timpe (PHC)
*4th: Eric Hamm (HILL)
*5th: Kelsey Stapler (PHC)
Novice Team
*1st: Ryan Hornung and Anita Mohinani (BJU)
*2nd: Ben Mills and Amanda Lark (PHC)
*3rd: David Raab and Robb Ranney (BJU)
*4th: Caleb Heimlich and Steve Ham (HILL)
Novice Speaker
*1st: Steve Ham (HILL)
*2nd: Ryan Hornung (BJU)
*3rd: Kellen Funk (BJU)
*4th: Blaine Bozarth (OWEN)
*5th: Michael Holcomb (PHC)
*1st: Randy Melchert (BJU)
*2nd: Dallis Pike (BSU)
*3rd: Patrick Manchester (DUQ)
*4th: Amanda Carpenter (BSU)
2003-04 Results
Spring 2004
Mar 19-20, NEDA Nationals
Open Team
*1st: Laurie Wilson and Matt du Mee (PHC)
*2nd: Elizabeth Nicolet and William Bowe (OCTC)
*3rd: Dave Mathues and Sam Hawkey (BJU)
*3rd: Joseph Valenti and Ally Susko (DUQ)
Open Speaker
*1st: Bryan Rudolph (WHE)
*2nd: David Mathues (BJU)
*3rd: Brett Mock (BSU)
*4th: Missy Hurter (PHC)
*5th: Matt du Mee (PHC)
Novice Team
*1st: Isaiah Paine and Brendon Culhane (WHE)
*2nd: Ben Davis and Joseph Coates (BJU)
*3rd: Anita Mohanani and Ryan Hornung (BJU)
*3rd: Peter Rodgers and Katie Teubl (PHC)
Novice Speaker
*1st: Katie Teubl (PHC)
*2nd: Nicole Walker (BSU)
*3rd: Peter Rodgers (PHC)
*4th: Isaiah Paine (WHE)
*5th: Ryan Hornung (BJU)
Lincoln Douglas
*1st: Amanda Carpenter (BSU)
*2nd: Jason Carini (PHC)
*3rd: Randy Melchert (BJU)
*4th: Sarah Golembiewski (DUQ)
Feb 20-21, Owensboro CTC
Open Team
*1st: Matthew du Mee and Laurie Wilson (PHC)
*2nd: Sam Hawkey and David Mathues (BJU)
*3rd: Missy Hurter and David J. Shaw (PHC)
*3rd: Brian Wright and Leann Walker (PHC)
Open Speaker
*1st: Missy Hurter (PHC)
*2nd: Brett Mock (BSU)
*3rd: Brian Wright (PHC)
*4th: David Mathues (BJU)
*5th: Matthew du Mee (PHC)
Novice Team
*1st: Lindsey See and Mark Cianci (PHC)
*2nd: Walker and Christina Moorehead (BSU)
*3rd: Teubl and Rogers (PHC)
*3rd: Joseph Coates and Ben Davis (BJU)
Novice Speaker
*1st: Lindsey See (PHC)
*2nd: Emma Elliot (PHC)
*3rd: Krisanna Hefty (HILL)
*4th: Mark Cianci (PHC)
*5th: Peer Rogers (PHC)
Feb 6-7, Duquesne University
Open Team
*1st: Adam Butman and Rudolph (WHE)
*2nd: Joe Valenti and Ally Susko (DUQ)
*3rd: LeAnn Walker and Christy Ross (PHC)
*3rd: Melanie Inglis and Jones (PHC)
Open Speaker
*1st: Ally Susko (DUQ)
*2nd: Joe Valenti (DUQ)
*3rd: LeeAnn Walker (PHC)
*4th: Christy Ross (PHC)
*5th: Adam Butman (WHE)
Novice Team
*1st: Lindsey See and Mark Cianci (PHC)
*2nd: Isaiah Paine and Culhane (WHE)
*3rd: Giles and Phillips (DUQ)
*4th: Teubl and Rogers (PHC)
Novice Speaker
*1st: Lindsay See (PHC)
*2nd: Mark Cianci (PHC)
*3rd: Isaiah Paine (WHE)
*4th: Kristina Moorehead (BSU)
*5th: Ian Flores (BSU)
Fall 2003
Dec 5-6, Ball State University
Open Team
*1st: David Mathues and Trisha Lyons (BJU)
*2nd: Brett Moch and Amanda Carpenter (BSU)
*3rd: Katie Jackson and Missy Hurter (PHC)
*3rd: Brian Wright and Leann Walker (PHC)
Open Speaker
*1st: Matt du Mee (PHC)
*2nd: Katie Jackson (PHC)
*3rd: Missy Hurter (PHC)
*4th: Bryan Rudolph (WHE)
*5th: David Mathues (BJU)
Novice Team
*1st: Joseph Coates and Christen Nelson (BJU)
*2nd: Walker and Christina Moorehead (BSU)
*3rd: Claire Keutles and Eric Hamm (HIL)
*3rd: Garrett Wood and J. Urban (HIL)
Novice Speaker
*1st: Eric Hamm (HIL)
*2nd: Garrett Wood (HIL)
*3rd: Christina Moorehead (BSU)
*4th: Joseph Coates (BJU)
*5th: J. Urban (HIL)
Lincoln Douglas
*1st: Lindsay See (PHC)
*2nd: Isaiah Paine (WHE)
*3rd: Ian Flores (BSU)
*4th: Gina Roberts (BSU)
Nov 7-8, Hillsdale College
Open Team
*1st: Eric Papetti and Gabe Ballard (PHC)
*2nd: David Mathues and Trisha Lyons (BJU)
*3rd: Mike Hengemuhle and Missy Hurter (PHC)
*3rd: George and Joe Valenti (DUQ)
Open Speaker
*1st: Mike Hengemuhle (PHC)
*2nd: Brian Wright (PHC)
*3rd: Joe Valenti (DUQ)
*4th: Eric Papetti (PHC)
*5th: Gabe Ballard (PHC)
Novice Team
*1st: Claire Keutles and Eric Hamm (HIL)
*2nd: Ally Susko and Giles (DUQ)
*3rd: Tim Doozen and Sewall (PHC)
*3rd: Walker and Christina Moorehead (BSU)
Novice Speaker
*1st: Eric Hamm (HIL)
*2nd: Hannah Mosher (WHE)
*3rd: Claire Keutles (HIL)
*4th: Tim Doozen (PHC)
*5th: Ally Susko (DUQ)
*1st: Lindsay See (PHC)
*2nd: Hans Zeiger (HIL)
*3rd: Ian Flores (BSU)
*4th: Gina Roberts (BSU)
2002-03 Results
Spring 2003
NEDA National Tournament
Open Team
*1st: Kevin Vance and Brett Mock (BSU)
*2nd: Mark Bentley and Rachel Williams (CED)
Novice Team
*1st: Trisha Lyons and Patrick McGary (BJU)
*2nd: Justin Whear and Philip Bozarth (OCTC)
*3rd: Randy Melchert and Nathan Freeman (BJU)
Patrick Henry Tournament
Open Team
*1st: Tim Joiner and Ashley Russell (BJU)
*2nd: Dave Mathues and Monica Mohinani (BJU)
Bob Jones University Tournament
Duquesne University Tournament
Open Team
*Finalist: Nathan Woodard and Lincoln Mullen (BJU)
*3rd: Dave Mathues and Monica Mohinani (BJU)
Fall 2002
Anderson University
Open Team
*1st: Dave Mathues and Monica Mohinani (BJU)
Cedarville University
Open Team
*1st: Missy Hurter and Mike Hengemuhle (PHC)
*2nd: Dave Mathues and Monica Mohinani (BJU)
Hillsdale College
Open Team
*1st: Dave Mathues and Monica Mohinani (BJU)
*2nd: Katie Jackson and David J. Shaw (PHC)
Ball State University
Open Team
*1st: Dave Mathues and Monica Mohinani (BJU)
*2nd: Brett
2001-02 Results
Spring 2002
Cedarville University Tournament
Novice Team
*Finalist: Tim Joiner and Ashley Russell (BJU)
*3rd: Dave Mathues and Monica Mohinani (BJU)
BJU Miriam Bonner Tournament
Novice Team
*1st: Dave Mathues and Monica Mohinani (BJU)
*2nd: Tim Joiner and Ashley Russell (BJU)
Hillsdale College Tournament
April, NEDA Nationals
Open Team
*1st: Katie Jackson and Laurie Wilson (PHC)
*2nd: Samuel Bray and Robert Chest (BJU)
Open Speaker
Novice Team
*1st: Nick Higgins and Matt duMee (PHC)
*3rd: Dave Mathues and Monica Mohinani (BJU)
Fall 2001
2000-01 Results
Spring 2001
April - NEDA National Tournament
Open Team
*4th: Melissa Hurter and Laurie Wilson (PHC)
Open Speaker
Novice Team
*2nd: Brian Von Duyke and Aaron Thompson (PHC)
*3rd: David McKennett and Patrick Molloy (PHC)
*4th: Paul McNiel and James Kimball (PHC)
Novice Speaker
*2nd: David McKennett (PHC)
*5th: Paul McNiel (PHC)
Lincoln Douglas
*2nd: Jeremy Purves (PHC)
Fall 2000
1999-2000 Results
Spring 2000
Mar 31-Apr 1, NEDA Nationals
Open Team
*1st: Samuel Bray and Joshua Crockett (BJU)
*3rd: Rachael Bedolli and Dan Anderson (WIU)
Open Speaker
*1st: Samuel Bray (BJU)
Novice Team
*1st: Amy Knight and Quinn Tedford (WIU)
*2nd: Jenny Prusko and Mandy Neefe (UW-L)
Novice Speaker
*1st: Amy Knight (WIU)
*3rd: Quinn Tedford (WIU)
Fall 1999
1998-99 Results
Spring 1999
Mar 26-27, Land of Lincoln Tournament
Mar 10-13, Pi Kappa Delta National Tournament
Feb 19-20, Bob Jones University
Feb 5-6, Anderson University
Fall 1998
Anderson University Novice Tournament
Novice Team
*1st: Carrie Belanger and Carrie Shannon (FSU)
Nov 13-14, University of Wisconsin - La Crosse
Oct 23-24, Cedarville College
Northern Oklahoma College
Open Team
*1st: Lance Leslie and Jacob Craft (FSU)
Oct 9-10, Western Illinois University
Open Team
*1st: Lance Leslie and Jacob Craft (FSU)
1997-98 Results
Spring 1998
Mar 20-21, Nationals (Kankakee, IL)
Open Team
*4th: Sara Hill and Heath Rainbolt (NSU)
Open Speaker
*3rd: Scott Haywood (NSU)
Fall 1997
1996-97 Results
Spring 1997
Mar 21-23, Nationals (La Crosse, WI)
Open Team
*3rd: Sara Hill and Amanda Woodard (NSU)
Fall 1996
1995-96 Results
Spring 1996
Fall 1995
1994-95 Results
Spring 1995
Mar 31-Apr 2, Nationals (Macomb, IL)
Lincoln Douglas
*5th: Dane Scott (NSU)
Fall 1994
*Anderson University (AND)
*Ball State University (BSU)
*Bob Jones University (BJU)
*Cedarville University (CED)
*Duquesne University (DUQ)
*Hillsdale College (HILL)
*Northeastern State University (NSU)
*Owensboro Community College (OWEN)
*Patrick Henry College (PHC)
*Southeast Missouri State University (SEMO)
*Transylvania University (TRA)
*University of Dayton (DAY)
*University of Wisconsin-La Crosse (UW-L)
*Wheaton College (WHE)
*Western Illinois University (WIU)
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