Midlands University Snooker Championship is an annualinvitation only competitive snooker event held among Warwick University, to face teams from Nottingham, Imperial College London, Warwick and York Universities each January. The event consists of 5 player team and individual events in senior and junior divisions. The event was created by two Staffordshire University students as at the time in 2002 there was only one University event, the British University Snooker Championships and it was felt that another event would aid development and preparation for the national event later in the season. Results 2002 *The Senior Team - Warwick * The Senior Indivdual - Alex Fisher - Staffordshire University * Junior Team - Warwick * Junior Individual - Warwick 2009 * Teams Championship - Warwick 1 * Teams Trophy - Warwick 2 beat Cardiff 2 3v2 * Individual Championship - Jay Murphy (Warwick) * Individual Trophy - David Spencer (Warwick) * Highest Break - Mike Walsh (York) 59 Highest Break * 2008 - Matt Tugby (Nottingham) - 67 * 2007 - Matt Tugby (Nottingham) - 60 * 2006 - Craig Turze (Warwick) - 77 * 2005 - Richard Davis (Warwick) - 53 clearance * 2004 - Richard Davis (Warwick) - 48 * 2003 - Bob Hill (Warwick) - 49 * 2002 - Simon Bailey (Warwick) - 56