Amuso - is a online game show platform where members can create, play and win online contests. The webite combines social network features with online reality shows. Users can browse everything from photo and video contests to different talent shows. Its headquarters are located in London and Developement Lab in Barcelona. The website offers the range of game show channels covering topics in lifestyle, comedy, music, beauty and impact areas. The winners are determined by the votes of registered users only. Presenters get the opportunity to win awards—every time a new contestant joins, they’ll get 15% of the total prize pool of the show while 50% goes to the entry creators for the best content.
Company info Jordi Bartomeu, Amuso’s CEO and Barak Rabinowitz, Amuso’s COO have been dreaming up the online game shows since their days at Yahoo! In 2007 Amuso was born with backing from the investors behind Skype, Joost and DailyMotion.