Apocalypse 2500

Apocalypse 2500 a high-tech and sword and sorcery hybrid game.

Released in 2007 and self published by the author at www.swordandsigil.comand is a fairly new game and may be unknown to most people.

The game is set in the 26th century (hence the reference to the year 2500 in the name) in a world markedly changed from the one we know in the 21st century. The basic premise of the game is that science in its zeal to create instantaneous pan-oceanic travel opened an uncontrollable wormhole. This new phenomenon became self sustaining in the Arizona desert where it connects earth to alternate realities in time and space.

Not to retell the whole back story of the game,which can be red here, however the "vortex" as it is referred to in the game causes major changes to the world leading to reformation of continents and world wide civilization collapse. The time of the game setting which is 400 years after the vortex's formation is when the game takes place. The world of Apocalypse 2500 is populated by humans, mutants, and aliens, and nearly all the ancient legendary races like elves, dwarfs, and trolls, etc.

The author has gone to great lengths to explain the technology, magic, and create new twists on the familiar creatures and monsters of legend. The reason that magic exists in this post apocalyptic future and the reasons it permeates ancient human legend is well explained in a very unique and believable way.

In this new world of the 26th century, or 4th century AV in game time, it is entirely possible to encounter creatures using a mix of magic and technology. This leads to some interesting scenarios when you have Orc armies with horse drawn carts mounting .30 cal machine guns led by a techno-sorcerer warlord. This mix and match of technology and magic is also available to player characters as well who are not bound to the rigid "class" systems as they are in some other RPG's. Rather they use a system of professional based skill sets to establish the base character type and ability or skill bonuses. However characters under the RPG % System, which is unique to this game, allows for multiple vocations and cross vocational skill acquisition.

One of the more outstanding features of Apocalypse 2500 is in the flexibility of the rule system that even allows for usage of many creatures from the bestiary (monster manual) to be used as the basis for player characters. The game rules are also flexible enough to work well for both sword & sorcery and modern weapon combat.

Recently (in 2008) the books have been re released in a combined form meaning there is only two core rule books. "The Main Rule Book" and the "GM's Campaign Guide" which incorporates three previous books including building and town maps, vehicles, and monsters and NPC's (Non-Player Characters a term first coined in association with the original D&D).

As of the writing of this article There is one complete adventure module and additional titles in the Apocalypse 2500 series are in the works. The first volume of Magic and Techno-Sorcery is due in late 2008 or early 2009 as well as a second adventure module dealing with pirates.


Note from the Author of this article:
This article was posted by the author of the game for informational purposes and as a historical notation among the list of other tabletop role play games listed in . It has been suggested that it be deleted because the game is "Non-notable." However if everything listed in was mainstream and well known to all readers there would be no point in its existence.
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