Zippy the Circle

Zippy the Circle is a Christian-themed video game for the personal computer, developed and published by Breakthrough Gaming, and released in March 2006.


After Zippy the Circle and the church youth group return home from a ski-resort road trip, they find that everyone in the town is missing, and a mysterious black circle is above their town. Zippy uses his flying snowboard to fly into the sky and find out what the big black circle is. It ends up that Jagged has trapped all of Zippy's friends and family in his ship and will take over his home island to search for the "MAGIC GEMS." Zippy is ejected from the ship. Zippy then has to work his way back to Jagged's ship and save his family and friends and stop Jagged.

Multiple Endings
If you beat the game normally, you will see the basic ending. If you get all the medals, you will get a special ending, which adds a new scene to the ending. Either way, the game ends with a cliff hanger, which suggests a sequel.

During the game, you will get to play as three different characters.

Zippy the Circle
This is the main character. He must save his home from Jagged.

This is Zippy the Circle's sister, and when you save her from Jagged's ship, you can play as her and ice skate through one of the levels.

When Zippy is separated from his hometown, Jarius offers to help him get back to Jagged's ship.

He is the one who is trying to take over Zippy's home town.

The game progresses level-by-level. When you get to the end of a level, you go on to the next one. The game's graphics are 3D, but each level's gameplay is either 3D freeroaming or 3D platform movement. If you complete a certain task in the level, you get a medal.


Use the sub to explore underwater areas.

Ice Skates
Use these to skate across slippy surfaces.

Jarius can ride the raft down the river.

You can roll around levels and bounce off walls with this vehicle.

Escape Pod
Use this to escape from Jagged's ship.

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