Intentions of Lament

Intentions of Lament is a series of three books by two female writers, who's identities have been masked thus far in the books, other than the obviously fake names won_wons_gurl and rhiannel.
Chishio Lamere
Chishio Lamere () is a character in the series Intentions of Lament. His name comes from the Japanese word for 'blood'. There is currently a movie being made based on the books, though it is retitled Blood Theory and has been acknowledged by the two writers of the book series. In the movie adaption, he is played by Ciara Leecy. In the movie, his name has been pronounced like the first mentioning of his name.
Character outline
Chishio is one of the two main characters in the series, the other being Clay Token. He first shows when he meets Clay in the Paranormal Research Society upon being captured by 'the hunters', (who as according to their name, hunt down vampires, lycanthropes, werewolves, and any other kind of paranormal humans and lock them in their facilities, mainly to die of malnutrition from no food being served, or upon being tested on with dangerous chemicals and metals.) When they escape, he follows his new-found friend back to his home in the northern part of Canada, fearing being caught by the hunters once more. From there on, the two have been moving city to city for most of the remainder of the books, especially after they meet a human girl named Artemis. He is a Vampire, which is first pointed out when Clay is freeing him of Chishio's locks and gets a large cut, and Chishio immediately rushes over in a fraction of a second and starts drinking blood from the wound.
During the first arc of the series, The very first time Clay meets him, he is shown to have a blood-thirsty, fight-loving nature. He didn't care who he killed in order to get his needed amount of energy from blood, and could kill as many as 10 humans in one setting and drain most of them. He was deemed to be a 'ruthless idiot' by Clay, to which Chishio just laughed and referred to him as puppy or dog, among various other canine puns (Clay is a werewolf). As the series progresses, he becomes evidently more and more attached to Clay, and reveals a more caring nature, especially when he kidnaps Artemis.
During the sequel, he becomes more of a fun-loving guy, and jokes around a lot, often with his usual lopsided grin that he sometimes has even when the situation gets darker than his friends would have hoped. He also has a strong flirtatious nature, calling both Clay and Artemis 'babe' on occasions, usually getting a very laughable response from the werewolf. His new-fund caring and nice side to him shows in the vampire-gang fight where he helped out a younger vampire kid dubbed 'weirdo', upon finding a pile of about 20 bodies, some which were not drained, making him a upset.
Little is known about Chishio's background before the small interview-plotted book released entitled Lament: Stories of the wistful travelers which revealed parts of his past that he had never talked about to any of the other characters in the actual books. He has been said to 'not remember his actual birthday', though he mentions aspects of his human childhood, indicating he was born somewhere in 1950s or 60's, not making him very old in comparison to other vampires he has talked about in the interview.
He had been 18 when he had happened to come across a man 'lying on the road, looking kinda drunk', as he had put it, and realized that they were a vampire. Chishio told that he had apparently been foolish at the time, and refereed to the man as 'Oh, great creature of the night', though it is later said that the man's name was Hector Vane. Chishio offers his neck to him, which Mr.Vane drinks from right away. He then made up a deal that they would meet in that same spot every three days for 3 months, in which Chishio would let Mr.Vane feed. It has been hinted that they had a personal relationship. Chishio tells Mr.Vane what happens after the 3 months, and when the time is up, Chishio asks of him to turn him into one of his kind. After Chishio refused to listen to Mr.vane when tries to talk him out of it, and Mr.Vane ends up blooding Chishio. He cut off his story there, saying All I remember after that, is, I had no mentor anymore, and was therefore on my own... Fans have often argued over what this meant, because in the books he doesn't have his vampiric powers in comparison to 'weirdo' because he never had a mentor. This might have been what Chishio remembered after Mr.Vane died when Chishio became vampire because there was no more humans in there area any longer. 'won_wons_gurl' and 'elvish4liphe' never explained this fact into much detail.
Clay Token
Clay Token is a main character in the ongoing Intentions of Lament book series, along with Chishio and Artemis. He is played by Todd Barenson in the movie version.
Character outline
Clay suffers from Lycanthropy every full moon. He hates this fact, most of the time showing disgust at himself the night after the fact, especially of he has killed someone, which hasn't happened since Chishio started to keep watch over him during these nights. Clay has been a close friend of Chishio and Artemis' for about a year, (chishio about 3 years). He tends to have rather canine-like traits (something he is constantly taunted about by Chishio), for example, his dislike for cats, his tendencies for rare meat, and a light growling noise he makes sometimes when he talks.
He has a grouchy and serious exterior, often calling Artemis by 'human' when he first meets her. He has a knack for scaring people, most likely because of his growling voice and rather tall and muscular figure. After a while in the books, it is slowly revealed that Clay actually is a very protective person, especially when it comes to Artemis. So, although he is very easily annoyed, he is a nice guy to have around, when you need advice or when you need help in a fight.
It is revealed that Clay was a really nice, boy when he was younger, and enjoyed playing outside in the sunlight all through into his teens. He says when he was 23, he was "just at the wrong place at the wrong time", and had wandered outside at night, and as he was staring at the moon, heard a dog's whine, like it was in pain or injury, and went closer and closer to the sound, he saw a bleeding 'dog' near the woods and walked up to it, when it attacked him suddenly. The only reason he survived was that the werewolf was injured, judging by the wound, by a bullet and almost dead. He went back to his home and tried to nurse the cuts, and within a day, they started to heal.
Clay said that he was sleeping about a month later (on a full moon), and suddenly woke up with a searing pain on his entire body, and then couldn't remember a thing until the next morning when he heard about 3 kids mangled bodies in his town, and was convinced that it was him when he found a piece of fabric ripped, similar to his sweatshirt he was wearing the previous night. he left town, and headed southward, staying in the same state somewhere in Canada.
Artemis (Art-em-iss) is also one of the main characters in the "Intentions Of Lament" series. She travels with Clay and Chishio, even though she's human. She is played by Erica Jones in the "Blood Theory" movie.
Character outline
Artemis is mostly a tomboy. She is the only human that Chishio and Clay are comfortable with, and always around her neck is her necklace, a silver chain with the dark-red gemstone shaped like a teardrop with the silver back on it. (Though nothing significant has happened so far in the series about it) She plays the piano and cello as well as sings, but no one has heard her sing much or play since she moved on her own, until Chishio asks her to show him how she plays.
In Artemis' first appearance, she is on her way to the school library to find another book to read and is intercepted and is knocked unconscious by Chishio. Instead of biting her, Chishio takes her back to his and Clay's house and lays her on a bed to wake up. She doesn't wake up until the next evening in which she finds out that Chishio is hiding in the closet and meets Clay.
After a while, Artemis, Clay, and Chishio become close and events occur that brings them closer. After arriving home (with the two in tow), Artemis' step-brother, Matt comes to make sure everything is alright and meets Chishio and Clay, believing that they are just some friends she met at the college.
Everything turns for the worst then as the Hunter comes onto their tracks and attempts many times to kidnap Clay and Chishio to keep them in the Department of Paranormal research.
After saving the two from the Hunter's grasp,Artemis is kidnapped from her home and taken to a place to be used as bait to lure Chishio and Clay to the Hunter again. As Chishio and Clay come to Artemis' rescue and they are all leaving where she had been held, the Hunter had hired a hitman to kill both Clay and Chishio. Knowing the Hunter's plans, Artemis moved in front of the two and took a bullet in the upper arm that had been laced with something. After hiding, Chishio helped to remove the bullet from Artemis' arm, but she grew sick and eventually went to a clinic not far from where they were hiding. After being admitted, the Hunter started to visit Artemis on and off, threatening her that if he saw Chishio or Clay that they'd be caught and killed. After getting ready to be released, he approaches Artemis and tells her that if she mentions anything about the Department of Paranormal Research to anyone, she'd be put in a mental instution where no one would believe her.
Eventually, Artemis is put into a mental institution and Clay and chishio are both kidnapped and put into the department of Paranormal research. All three escape from their respective captors and run to a different city where they meet another vampire dubbed "Weirdo," and a human boy (who is infatuated with Artemis), named "Caair."
Tough, and very talented at pretty much everything. She is often called 'badass' and was quoted by Rhiannel as "sort of becoming one of them without actually becoming one of them..."
After being admitted to a Mental Hospital, Artemis managed to escape by a fellow patient after only a few weeks being there. While there, she was treated as a person who had a sense of being in an alternate reality and believing things that didn't exist. Being warned by the Hunter of her nature in being able to fight and escape, Artemis is put in a high security room and is given higher dose sedatives to keep her 'under control.' After escaping, Artemis has the fear that maybe there is something wrong with her, and develops the feeling of being rejected by society for what she knows.
Caair (kah-ear)is the first character introduced in the fourth book. He is not one of the main characters in the overall series, though he is in the fourth book for half the time, along with the vampire dubbed 'weirdo'.
Character outline
Caair is a runaway kid, and has been since he was at the age of ten. He is adventurous, and has a craving for action all the time. He acts somewhat immature, most likely an effect of being living on his own with no parental figures for such a long time. He is suspicious of people who try to get too close to him, because he is scared of being turned in to the police of the orphanage. He looks like a ten-year, even though he is the age of fifteen, as quoted in the 'Lament: Stories of wistful travelers': "It was as if his body had stopped growing when he refused to grow up any longer....
Caair had been walking for days in the snow when he wandered into town where he hid under a porch to try to find a place to sleep for the night. He got attacked by something unknown and barely escaped death as someone rescues him and kills the unknown person. The stranger then asks caair's name and he refuses to say, and for good reason, as the other boy says that he will turn him into the authorities if he won't do so himself. The stranger then leads him to a old run-down train station, where he tells Caair he can live in for a night, until he turns himself into the orphanage. Then he leaves, just as Caair calls after him,"If you won't tell me your name, I'll just call you 'weirdo' from now on!" and they leave.Caair treats Weirdo as a enemy for about a week and a half.
Upon trying to steal food from a nearby store in town, he almost gets caught until he bumps into Artemis and Clay by chance, and she immediately helps him up and rushes him his dropped food and tells him to leave quickly. He nods, dumbstruck, and from that point on, has a crush on the girl he had just met.
Caair is stubborn and like a little kid, has a habit of thinking he's always right. Caair is withdrawn from things that attach him to a certain town or place for too long of time. He is not used to the feeling of being cared about, or watched over.
Forthcoming chapters
The final chapter in Lament: Stories of Wistful Travelers is scheduled to be released sometime in February 2009. It contains all of the biography of Artemis along with the biographies of Caair and Weirdo.
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