World Diaspora Organization

World Diaspora Organization WDO
Diasporas, ( next generations of migrants ), expatriots and ethnic minorities very often have need to freely express their dual or multiple identities.

The Diaspora World Organization is a forum for Diaspora umbrella organizations with a World Congress format. The DWO forum is a networking place for national Diaspora World Congress presidents - also known as Statesmen Without States.
The first Congress of the World Diaspora Organization was held on 24 May 2008, the day of the final of the Eurovision Song Contest 2008.
Five hundred delegates drawn from Diaspora statesmen and leaders, ambassadors, ministers, representatives of UN and international NGO organizations attended event. at the Parliament Building.
World Diaspora Organization is a Transnational citizens movements, social movement for right to have transnational or multicultural identity and citizenship.
World Diaspora Organization is one of main proponents of these ideas.
Zoran Jovicic, Australian- Serbian from Sydney Australia, president of World Diaspora Organization, promote Canadian and Australian multicultural policies in area of right for multiple ethnic identity and multiple citizenship.
WDO,like WTO, WHO , World Tourist Organization, is specific forums for their topics.
One hundred million people live outside of their native countries. One billion people live as minorities i.e. as diasporas. This organization represent them.
Most of biggest Diasporas have their own World Congress. The oldest is the World Jewish Congress. Also influential are the Ukrainian World Congress, Macedonian World Congress, and the Hellenic World Council.
The WDO goal is to exchange ideas, best practice and debate issues with inter governmental agencies and organizations, and to establish even better cooperation with the UN and their agencies like IOM, UNHCR, UNCHR, ILO, WHO, UNDP, UNESCO, UNAOC, World Bank, Council of Europe, Arab Legaue, and others.
Most National World Congresses are members of UN agencies like the Croatian World Congress and the World Jewish Congress.
TheWDO has its own wiki web site, which makes it possible for every national world congress to edit its own details.
The Forum has planned to organize an annual Presidents Conference with a rotating host.
On 20 November 2008 with the support of the UNDP, the World Diaspora Organization and the Serbian Ministry of Diaspora organized an International Conference with title "Diasporas and development", featuring world Diaspora experts.
WDO have plans to organize World Diaspora Organization Summits for national Diaspora presidents, Prime ministers and Ministers of MFA of host and source countries with an agenda of the "World economic crisis and diasporas remintances and knowledge in overcoming big economic depression" at July 9/10 2009 in Belgrade during Univesiada 2009 Univessity sporting game.
In same time and place it is organized The international Diaspora Youth Leadership Conference with fife ministers and a Crovn prince as Keynote speakers inkludin Serbian Minister of MFA Vuk Jeremic.
The first victims of an economic downturn can be guest workers, immigrants and minority groups and theirs families..
At the same time higher level Diaspora solidarity with fatherland countries can help development of e.g. the Philippines, India, Serbia, Israel, Mexico and other countries with large groups of expatriates and insufficient export and foreign exchange reserves. at July 9/10 2009 in Belgrade during Univesiada 2009 Univessity sporting game.
The WDO sent a message to the G20 November New York 2008 and London 2009 Summit asking developed countries to not raise barriers to immigrant labor.
Later on, the same message was issued by ILO.
The proposed places for the 2010 WDO Presidents forum meeting are London and Constanta -Romania , subject for next discussion and decision.
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