List of ethnic groups with a larger diaspora population than their countries of origin

This is a list of ethnic groups which are having a larger diaspora population than their countries of origin. This list was compiled based on the figures from the articles of the ethnic groups.
Many ethnic groups have experienced massive emigration in history, to the extent that the population in the diaspora outnumbers that in their countries of origin. Wars and other causes may also place a substantial proportion of a certain ethnic group to ther other side of the national border.
* Croats
* Irish*
* Jews
* Mongols*
* Norwegians*
* *
* Denotes an ethnic group which population is larger in at least one other country. For example, the population of Mongols in the People's Republic of China is larger than that within Mongolia, or the population of Norwegians in the United States is larger than than within Norway.
See also
*list of diasporas
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