
Woodyrimshot is the pseudonym of an American, male amateur graphical-artist and Youtube musician from outside of Houston, Texas whose actual identity is currently undisclosed. He is the leading mind behind his own opinions, and is best known for his online video content.

Musical career
Woodyrimshot's musical career began in 1999 as a freelance composer. In 1986, he began to learn how to play drums, which he maintains as a supplemental skill to his musical career to this day. While he has played in a number of local bands in Houston suburban areas. He maintains that his prevalent passion in the industry is simply the making of the music, be it with a group or not. Over time, Woodyrimshot began to develop skills in the field of sound-manipulation, worked as a recording engineer for a Japanese Anime company, and currently works as an audio engineer for the local Houston R&B/Rock/Pop band FuzzySideUp.

Media Response
The self-titled, original "Existential Debut" video released by Woodyrimshot on November 26, 2008 received an unprecedented amount of media salience around various popular internet message and discussion boards almost immediately. Though its early critics labeled it as trivial and insignificant, its proponents called it a meaningful look at the importance of observation in a modern society. While there is not yet a common consensus on the meaning of this video, and the artist has not released any information on the video's significance besides the brief comment that the video is, in fact, "pointless...with music", it has still sparked a heated debate on several message-boards.
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