Umrao Bundu Khan

Umrao Bundu Khan (1915 - 1970) was a Pakistani sarangi player.
Early Life
Khan was born in 1970 to renowned sarangi player Bundu Khan. He learned vocal music from his uncle Chand Khan, a lagend of the Delhi Gharana.
In 1970 Khan emigrated to Pakistan. He was a staff artist at All India Radio and was also a performed at Radio Pakistan. In 1954 he was invited to Akhil Bharatiya Khadi Pradarshini in Karachi, where he gave many concerts. He performed in Pakistan as well as in other countries. Khan was also a versatile singer, who sang mostly khayal, thumri, dadra, tarana, qaul and kalbana.
Khan died in 1970 at the age of 55 in Karachi
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