
Trialectics is a philosophical, scientific and technical concept that promotes integral development and maximizes quality of life which emerged as a result of a long process of social research conducted by philosopher, surveyor and lawyer Luis Gómez de la Vega (1927-2007) through the Institute of Integrated Research and it was brought to the public for the first time in Venezuela in 1967 with a printed proposal entitled "EL Gran Esquema" which translates into The Grand Scheme.
Trialectics starts with the idea that global society requires a method that allows the activation of intersectionality to attend the requirements of an intelligent community. Trialectics is an ideal tool to reach that purpose and therefore, it is necessary to know it, study it, apply it and disseminate it to promote integral development and, as Luis Gómez de la Vega said: "... make politics and economics work at all levels as a factor of psico-social welfare and integrated social development
* Luis Gómez de la Vega (1967) El Gran Esquema
* Gilberto Picón Medina (1990) [ EL CASO CHIGUARÁ, Una Experiencia de Desarrollo Auto Gestionario]
* Orestes G. Manzanilla Sáez (2000) LA EFICIENCIA DE LA GESTION GERENCIAL, Un enfoque interdisciplinario
* Pedro E. Dávila F. (2004) MANUAL DEL PROMOTOR SOCIAL
* Pedro E. Dávila F. (2008) CONSEJOS COMUNALES
* Eugenio Brito (2008) [ Programa de Atención en Salud para las Personas con Discapacidad]
* Luis Gómez de la Vega (2013) [ Breviatario de la Trialéctica]
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