
TranscUlturAl is a peer-reviewed annual academic journal published since 2008 by the Department of Modern Languages and Cultural Studies at the University of Alberta. The journal focuses on the interrelationship between translations and their cultural context. Articles may be published in English, French, Russian, or Ukrainian, or a combination of these languages.
TranscUlturAl states that it "publishes essays that examine interrelationships between translations and cultures, past and present, in global and local contexts. This includes work that ventures beyond dominant geolinguistic and geocultural spaces, in particular those officially defined as either monolingual or bilingual." The journal's expressed mission statement is: "1) to reconsider dominant cultural institutions in new and productive ways, and 2) to explore unfrequented itineraries of translation involving “minor” languages."
The journal is indexed by humanities databases such as Modern Language Association and Benjamin's Translation Studies.
The journal's primary editor is Sathya Rao, assistant professor of French at the University of Alberta, Calgary.
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