Tobias Gondrom

Tobias Gondrom is a German information security and computer scientist. He is the chairman of the OWASP (Open Web & Application Security Project) and the Chair of the IETF Trust. His work has focused for many years on information security, application security and on Internet standards.
He is an author of several RFCs in the security and applications areas and contributor to several open source security projects at OWASP.
He was born in Germany, received his education from TU Muenchen and London Business School and has worked for IXOS Software AG and Open Text Corporation.
At the end of 2013, Tobias Gondrom was elected for the OWASP Board. where he currently (2015) serves as chairman. In 2014 he became a member of the IETF Administrative Oversight Committee and since 2015 serves as the chair of the IETF Administrative Oversight Committee.
He has also been the chair of two security working groups at the IETF, the LTANS (Long Term Archiving and Notary Services) WG and the WEBSEC (Web Security) WG, which has among other documents in 2014 produced the HTTP Strict Transport Security RFC. And is since 2015 the chair of the DOTS (DDoS Open Threat Signaling) WG.
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