Tina Nibbana

Tina Nibbana (Caracas Venezuela, 14 February 1981 - ) is an Portrait Photographer. Considered one of America's best portrait photographers.
Tina Nibbana's work is characterized by strong portraits female; the regular use of exterior with natural light and the constant addition of a touch poetry to your images and literary essays. Tina Nibbana is best known for her black-and-white photography.
"Life in all its meaning is a story, a poem, everything I do has to mean something important, interesting, even if only for me, and my photography is no exception".
"Any manifestation of an emotion must be free and not given by rules or methods".
"I am growing in emotions and not in definitions"
"This is my living status; live, expressed, and I cast out any thought or feeling that refuses to quit on a daily basis making it portrait".
"When you discover your soul, happiness, develops easily on something, you feed it every day to see it grow up".
"Nature will provide her support and protection throughout the course of her life and she will be giving the same natural love".
"Words have no power but dreams do, I wish I will become an elderly dreamer with supreme development".
"The (real) beauty of art is in the eye of the beholder. Young - Old - Mental - Emotional - All in one!"
"The middle of the universe? It's right here , (I walk two paths more in front) it's right here , I walk the path to the side, and it is still here. And the middle of the universe will always be here".
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