
Jyotikalash is a Hindi word which comes by association of two words Jyoti (Light) and Kalash (pot).
A typical “Kalash” is a pot made of clay or metals (copper, brass, silver, or gold) with a broad and flat base, even broader centre, slim neck and a broad top (mouth) again.
When we need to make a movement, we need some light to look at the direction. If we move in total darkness, we may fall. Similarly, in order to carry ourselves in our life every moment, we need an inner light before taking any step in the form of having a thought, talking to someone or making a decision. This light is already there deep within us but is clouded by a lot of dust of our heavy thoughts and feelings. Our inner wisdom is covered by clouds of fear, illiteracy, aggression, inhuman desires and a host of negative memories. If somehow we are able to remove this veil, our consciousness and moral strength would make our walk of life smooth by making its path bright and clear.
Our scriptures and teachings of many ancient and modern teachers give us lot of insights into the deeper aspects of human existence which, when understood properly, can make our life much more fulfilling and happy. They open the lid from the light of wisdom which is filled in our conscience. Our conscience, our soul, our inner strength is the Kalash (pot, the container) of Jyoti (light of wisdom) while the intelligence of Supreme Power manifested through Laws of Nature are a huge Lighthouse. Thus, each one of us is already blessed with a Jyotikalash which is filled with knowledge, hope, prosperity and a divine sense of freedom and inner power.
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