3CS invention

3CS Invention is a process invented by G.N.Mallikarjuna Rao. The invention happened in the early 2014.
3CS stands for three click senses. The whole process includes actual invention and extended to commercial use. Here click refers to a hit from a system that could be a visit or a mouse click to an URL.
The invention is basically to identify all the systems in a network individually which in principle throws its main IP when a visit/click received from a system in a network.
1st sense
The first sense identifies individual system and helps application to count unique hits and total hits from the system for a webpage.
2nd sense
The second sense decides whether hit from a system is chargeable or not. It identifies the hit is robotic or intentional one. Artificial intelligence is added to recognize intentional hit.
3rd sense
The third sense identifies a fraud instantly if the process is tried for malpractice.
3CS Engine
3CS software engine was developed based on 3CS Invention. The engine also calculates number of unique hits and total hits. Hit could be a visit or a click from one system in a network to server.
The invention is highly useful for Digital Marketing with more transparency to all the parties involved in digital marketing. Ads can be displayed Survey and polls can be conducted for a selected area within a city.
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