Thomas Modeneis - SouJava Leader

Thomas Modeneis - SouJava JUG Lead
Thomas is the SouJava Lead , CO-Founder and CIO at Modeneis Ltda, JCP Excecutive Comitee Member with SouJava, Sr. Software Developer at IBM and Active member at Global Websphere Community


Grey Hat
In 1999 with almost 15 years old, Thomas was already very active member of the underground script & exploit developers known as grey hats. He was responsible to research new vulnerabilities, create and develop zero day exploits.
In 2002 already experienced and with the intuit of exchange information and study programming languages, Thomas created the Brazilian Defacers and Grey Hat Meeting in Sao Paulo where all the Brazilian Defacers exchange zero day exploits and informations.
Here is a list of few Brazilian Defacer Groups that take advantage of security issues reported by Thomas at that time:
#Intruders of Network (#IoN)
#Hax0rs Lab
Total notifications: 6,849 of which 1,992 single ip and 4,857 mass defacements
#Red Eye
The actions taken by the Defacer Groups and their related actions are not of his responsibility in any instance, Thomas did not deface any website and he is not responsible at any term for what they did with the information provided.
In 2004 reading in newspapers about new technology tendencies Thomas decided to leave the underground programming and apply for the SouJava Java User Group Members Meeting and get involved into Java Community.
In 2008 Thomas CO-founded the company Modeneis S/S Ltda. where he is CIO and Co-Founder.
In 2010 Thomas assumed the Leading of the SouJava .
In 2012 Thomas was Speaker at JavaOne 2012 in San Francisco - CA, his presentation was about The Benefits of Open Source, Vosao open source content management system and Google App Engine.
Mail List
Thomas is a very active member of Java Community, with more than 5000 answers in the Mail Lists: SouJava , NBDISCUSS_PT MAILING LIST
Thomas wrote many articles and study cases about software development and best practices, here is few of them:
#JavaOne 2012: Benefits of Open Source
#Creating a EJB3 project with Message Driven Beans (MDBs) Step by Step
#JMS & Message Driven Beans(MDBs)
#SouJava ... aprova a JSR #346 - Contexts and Dependency Injection 1.1
#Palestrantes Brasileiros no JavaOne 2012 San Francisco - CA
#Adopt a JSR: JSR 357 - Social Media API
#Campus Party - 2012 - cpbr#5
#Jfokus - A maior conferencia de Java na Suécia
#Blackout SouJava - Stopped they must be; on this all depends.
#Geek Bike Ride 2011 - 4/12/2011, Domingo - 7h
#RHoK#3 São Paulo - Primeiro Dia
#RHoK#3 São Paulo - Segundo Dia
Java Community Forums and Conferences
Thomas is also known as Organizer and confirmed presence in the main Java Community Forums and Conferences in the World:
#JustJava - The Brazilian Java Community Conference
#[ Campus Party - #CPBR5]
#The Developers Conference
#Random Hack of Kindness
Thomas Modeneis' Honors and Awards
10th JCP Annual Award] - JCP Member/Participant of the Year - October 2012
On the Picture from left to right: Thomas Modeneis (SouJava), Fabio Velloso (SouJava), Mauricio Leal (SouJava), Heather Van Cura (JCP Office Staff), Yara Mascarenhas Hornos Senger (SouJava), Bruno Souza (SouJava), Patrick Curran (JCP Chair) Photo
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