Aaron Andersen

Aaron J. Andersen is most widely recognized for being the founder and current owner of XULPlanet.com. XUL planet, which Aaron first brainstormed and created at the age of 14, was one of the first XUL tutorials on the web, and still remains one of the most comprehensive. It is recognized in the XUL community as being a main source for information on XUL programming, along with mozdev.org, and is listed on the Open XUL Alliance page, frequently referenced on slashdot.org, and cited in the IBM Systems Journal article "Improving web accessibility through an enhanced open-source browser".

Aaron has also been involved in the Mozilla project and was one of the attendees at the first Mozilla developers meeting held in Mountain View, California, on Juy 27, 2000. He is also the creator of the popular Mozilla PrefBar.

Aaron graduated with a B.S. in Computer Science from Utah State University in 2006, and is currently the head of software engineering at WebAim, a part of the Center for Persons with Disabilities at Utah State Univerity. He is interested in accessibility, attended the Accessibility Summit 2006 and gave a presentation at the CSUN Conference on Technology & Persons with Disabilities in Los Angeles in 2007.
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