Third Palestinian Intifada

March Back to Palestine or the Third Palestinian Uprising: a series of marches in the millions planned by young Palestinians on the social networking site "Facebook" on May 15 2011 (the 63rd anniversary of catastrophe) to return to Palestine, was called after the outbreak of a wave of massive protests beginning in 2011. It has been called "the march to return to the territories occupied in 1948 ", which has been the displacement of their ancestors and parents caused by the establishment of the State of Israel. For support to the March back movement the demonstrators rely on UN resolution 194, which provides for the right of the Palestinian people to return to the villages and cities that have been displaced as a result of the 1948 war. It will be starting - according to the Facebook page - at 30 points spread along the borders of the surrounding countries of historic Palestine;, Jordan, Syria, Lebanon and Egypt .
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