
Netwatan is a Pakistani social networking website. The website was officially launched on 1st March 2009 by Netwatan Social Networks. It has an average daily page view of 72.
The Name "Netwatan" is the combination of two words, one is from English and the other is from Urdu. The English is 'net' and the Urdu 'watan' which means a country over the internet.
The site was registered in 2008, but it was officially launched in 2009 and is still active today.
Netwatan allows its users to create their own profile and share their photos, videos and links. Users can also make new friends, join different group and can share their views on different topics. Members on Netwatan can also change their privacy setting according to their own likings, users have the option to go invisible.
Arcade Games
Users on Netwatan can also play different games for entertainment, more than 100 different type of games are available on the site.
Points advertisement
Points advertisement is a very unique feature of Netwatan, through which users can freely advertise their products and services on the site. Users get these points by performing different activities such as (writing articles, creating polls).
The design of Netwatan has been changed twice, its original color theme consisted of two colors, White and light Blue. This was later changed to give a fresh different look and was replaced with Orange and White. On March 26th, the Netwatan Administration moved back to its original colors because of high demand from members.
Netwatan has always been criticized as trying to copy the Facebook model. Many of its functions have been said to not work.
See Also
*List of social networking websites
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