TAFMO is a technology and business model that allows the delivery of multiple electronic services over EFTPOS terminals and point of sale systems. The technology was designed by Philip Course, Greg McCreath & Frank Ajzensztat in 2001 & 2002, while working for Intellect Holdings Ltd & Touch Networks Ltd .
Underwritten by Guinness Peat Group Ltd (ASX:GPG) a rights issue was made to Intellect shareholders, to found a separate company TAFMO Ltd, based on the TAFMO technology. The technology was deployed by Commonwealth Bank, National Australia Bank, ANZ Bank, St George Bank, 7-Eleven, Tobaccoland in Austria and many point of sale vendors. These customers used the technology for the delivery of prepaid phone recharge vouchers and Medicare payments amongst other services. .
TAFMO ltd changed its name in 2009 to Touch Holdings Ltd.
Strong technologies for the delivery of electronic services over point of sale devices are currently evolving, some under the direction of TAFMO's original designers Philip Course & Frank Ajzensztat.
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