Stefen Chow

Stefen Chow is a photographer currently based in Beijing, Singapore, and New York. In New York, he is represented by Aurora Select, an agency for photographers whose genre mainly involves contemporary and outdoor/adventure photography. Stefen's main body of work currently revolves around industrial photography in various regions, and multiple editorial work around China. He is also known for landscape and mountain shots, particularly of Everest and recently, Denali.
His list of clients include Keppel, Shell, and Cartier, among many others. Stefen is also a spokesperson for Nikon Singapore and a contributor for GEO.
Stefen Chow is an award-winning photographer, with various wins and mentions in international competitions and magazines like PDN. In 2010, his entry of the Keppel Shipyard documentary book won him first prize at Europe's biggest photography awards under advertising campaigns.
Stefen also won awards and took part in the Eddie Adams workshop in 2008.
Stefen has just recently climbed Denali (Mount McKinley), Alaska.
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