Star Tripping

Star Tripping

Warning: Star tripping is an activity that can be dangerous if done incorrectly. Please trip within the presence of responsible adults whom you trust.

Star Tripping is a new fad quickly spreading among the teenagers of the United States. The process of star tripping entails a person staring up at the night sky and, while focusing on a star, spins in place 15 times. Another person with a bright light (most popular is a flashlight) will approach the spinning person and shine the light directly into their eyes. This causes the spinning person to experience a short "black out" and will fall to the ground.

There have been no studies performed to study any potential health hazards. There have been several personal experiences that included a "star tripping hangover" which was described as a minor headache (most likely from the bright light). There have also been claims that people were 'addicted' to star tripping; however, there exist no proof to confirm or deny this claim.

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