
Sonatype is a private enterprise software company founded in 2008 and based in Fulton, Maryland. As of 10th July 2012, Sonatype has received $40.9M in funding, with the last round of $25M being secured from New Enterprise Associates (NEA). NEA joined existing investors Accel Partners, Hummer Winblad Partners, Morgenthaler Ventures and Bay Partners.
Sonatype develops solutions based around secure software supply chain and component lifecycle concepts. Sonatype is best known for its component software repository, Nexus Pro as well as for being the custodians of the maven central repository which houses almost 700,000 software artifacts.
Wayne Jackson, who was previously CEO at Sourcefire, serves as CEO for Sonatype.
Product History
Nexus 2.0 was made available on 15th February 2012 and added functionality for repository health awareness, availability architecture and .NET (NuGet) support.
On the 6th February 2013, Sonatypes Component Lifecycle Management (CLM) solution was named winner of the SIIA Content CODiE award for Best Governance, Risk and Compliance Solution.
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