Soborno Isaac Bari

Soborno Isaac Bari is a Bengali-American prodigy born on April 9, 2012 at New York-Presbyterian Hospital Queens in NYC. Bari's father, Rashidul, and mother, Shaheda, were immigrants from Bangladesh. Bari also has a brother, Refath. His parents noticed he began talking in full sentences at 6 months and was able to solve mathematics, physics, some of which caught the attention of local TV channels and colleges in New York. On November 3, 2014, when Bari was only two years old, Medgar Evers College Vice President Jerald Posman took his interview.
Bari's problem-solving abilities caught the attention of Voice of America (VOA). On February 13, 2015, VOA invited 2 1/2-year-old Bari for an interview, to test his intellectual abilities in math, physics, and chemistry. VOA published Bari's interview on their website and broadcast his interview twice, mentioning that Bari was the youngest interviewee since the birth of VOA in 1942.
On 21 April 2016, Dr. Lisa Coico, President of City College of New York, gave Bari the nickname “Einstein of our time” for his achievement on a series of tests in math and science. In 2016, at age 4, Bari received a letter of recognition from President Barack Obama for his accomplishments in math and science, and in 2018, at age 6, he received a letter of recognition from Harvard University for his problem-solving abilities. Bari was accepted into New York City's gifted and talented program later the same year
On April 24, 2018, Dr. Thomas Isekenegbe, President of Bronx C. College, interviewed Bari to learn more about his anti-terrorism campaign and upcoming book, The Love, to promote his anti-terrorism campaign of the same name.
Bengali Muslim extremists attacked Bari on 28 April 2019 in Jackson Heights while he was promoting his book. Soborno received an invitation from Nobel laureate Kailash Satyarthi, Vice Chancellor of SP Pune University Nitin Karmalkar, and Principal of Ruia Autonomous College Dr. Anurhsee Lokur to make a trip to India. On January 3, 2020, Soborno received the Global Child Prodigy Awards from Nobel Laureate Kailash Satyarthi. On January 4, 2020, Soborno gave a physics and computer science lecture at Ruia College, and was recognized by Principal of Ruia College Dr. Anurshee Lokur. On January 6, 2020, Soborno gave a book talk on his book, "The Love" at SP Pune University in front of University faculty, students, and alumni.
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