Silent Walk FPS Creator

Silent Walk FPS Creator, commonly abbreviated as SW, is a shareware game creation program written by Zoltán Pércsich. This program was originally coded in Game Maker, a shareware game development program by Mark Overmars using Delphi. This program is intended for creating first person shooters without programming. Currently, however, the program uses Blitz3D, a BASIC game programming language, as the engine for both the main editor and the created executables.

Version 1.0

Silent Walk FPS Creator 1.0 was the initial release for Silent Walk. This version had very basic and limited functionality. It also featured a save system, but this did not work correctly so therefore was removed in the following versions. The registered and unregistered versions had little difference in comparison except the shareware had a blue-colored splash screen that appeared frequently in user-created games until a license key was activated in the editor.

Version 1.1

Silent Walk FPS Creator 1.1 is the first stable release for Silent Walk. This version came out in two parts: a “free” and a “registered” version. The free version was a limited modification of version 1.0, but did not have an in-game splash screen like the original version. The registered version had all the features that were planed for version 1.1, but showed a yellow splash screen until an activation key was entered into the editor, similar to the previous version.

Silent Walk 2.0 Betas

Silent Walk FPS Creator 2 was originally going to be programmed in Game Maker, and had public “betas” which were actually more correctly identified as alpha versions since they had many key features absent from the program. This version showcased many new features such as multiple floors for buildings. However, development seemed to have ended after the 0.3 beta version.

Version 2.0.1

Silent Walk FPS Creator 2.0.1 is the most recent version of Silent Walk, and features a completely new engine, Blitz3D. The workspace for the level design is completely three-dimensional, unlike the previous versions. This version is a total rewrite from the original versions. Silent Walk FPS Creator 2.0.1 now uses more common file formats such as 3DS instead of the Marzipan animation format. This version also has features such as resource encryption, moving platforms, animations, terrain and various other additions. Although it has many new features, this version has a limit of up to 8 lights placed per map due to this being a limitation of the BASIC engine used to create it.


Silent Walk FPS Creator 1.0 through the Silent Walk 2 beta releases all used a 3D model animation format created just for the use of the program. This file format could only be created through the program Marzipan, which was available for a free download on the original Silent Walk FPS Creator website. The software could handle up to 16 frames and supported the import of 3DS, OBJ, and X file formats. As Silent Walk 2 is programmed in an entirely new language, Marzipan is considered outdated by the creator and is no longer available to download from an official source.
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