SIGOS GmbH is a Germany-based telecommunications company that specializes in developing telecommunications testing solutions.
The company was founded in 1989 under the name of SIGOS Systemintegration GmbH and is headquartered in Nuremberg, Germany. In 2006 the company was acquired by Keynote Systems and rebranded to SIGOS GmbH.
Today SIGOS has regional offices in Singapore, Ghent, Belgium and Seattle, USA as well as several other representations around the world.
The company claims over 440 corporate customers representing top Internet and mobile companies including Vodafone, T-Mobile, AT&T, Telefónica, Bharti Airtel, Facebook.
Core business
SIGOS provides End-to-End solutions for testing and monitoring Quality of Service and Quality of Experience in communications networks (Radio networks, Fixed networks, IP networks, MVNOs).
End-to-End Service quality testing is a common test approach in the telecommunications industry. Whereas monitoring solutions look at the actual traffic in a network, End-to-End solutions can initiated/simulate traffic in an automated way from one end to the other and measure precise traffic.
SITE (SIGOS Integrated Test Environment)
The SITE test system provides an infrastructure that allows Network Operators to own, manage and operate their own testing facilities. The SITE system operates by using the SIM Multiplexing technology. It comprises both hardware and software that emulates different test scenarios in its own network as well as monitors Quality of Service (QoS) and Quality of Experience (QoE) of its subscribers. The SIM Multiplexing is a technology for physically separating SIM cards from Mobile Terminals. Mobile Terminals can be installed anywhere without these SIM cards. Any SIM cards stored in a SIM Multiplexer can be allocated to a Mobile Terminal by means of simple software commands to virtually transfer the SIM profile data to the Mobile Terminal. Mobile Terminals with allocated Virtual SIM cards will behave normally with any service such as Voice, SMS, Data transfer.

Based on the technology of SITE, SIGOS owns and operates GlobalRoamer - a worldwide infrastructure that focuses on Active End-to-End testing. The GlobalRoamer test system extends its testing capabilities into Interconnect Quality of Service. Outbound Roaming, International Carrier Quality of Service, Interconnect Fraud Bypass detection, International Interconnect Revenue Assurance, Roamers' Quality of Experience and others. Through a global network of Mobile Terminals, it provides the means to emulate international interconnect and roaming user behaviors.

Professional Services Telecommunications
Various levels of system hosting, maintenance and administration can be realized on SITE and GlobalRoamer.
Fraud and SIM Box Detection
Resulting of the acquisition of the Belgian company Meucci Solutions, specialized in SIM Box Detection (SBD) solutions, network operators can now detect and combat SIM Box fraud at a large scale.

SIM Boxes or GSM Gateways generate critical revenue losses by bypassing official interconnections, causing a growing problem for telecommunications and wireless industry. SIM Boxes also have a negative impact on call quality, customer satisfaction and company brand image, due to call redirection, inaccessible services and missing callbacks.
Together with Interconnect Fraud Audit and Training, interconnect bypass losses are now being fought more efficiently and accurately and SIM Boxers run out of business much faster.
Revenue Assurance
The SIGOS RA represents a key element of the SITE system to test and verify tariffs, assure correct billing and detect any revenue leakages.
*1989 Foundation of SIGOS Systemintegration GmbH in Nuremberg on November 9
*1990 Testing and integration support for the first German GSM network
*1991 Active participation in standardization process of full member of ETSI
*1993 First test system for ISDN fixed line network
*1995 SITE test system extension: DECT for type approval tests
*1996 SITE extension: ISUP for conformance test for C7 networks
*1997 SITE testing environment includes mobile network End-to-End testing
*2002 Start of GlobalRoamer
*2004 Revenue of more than 10 million Euro per year
*2006 Keynote Systems acquires SIGOS GmbH
*2007 SITE provides environment for VoIP, ADSL, DSL, HSPA, CDMA2000
*2008 Launch of Billing Verification and Drive Service Test
*2009 Keynote SIGOS clebrates its 20th anniversary; Launch of SIM Box Detection
*2010 Introduction of Global Resource Pool (GRP); First LTE tests
*2011 GlobalRoamer covers 4/5 of the world´s countries
*2013 Thoma Bravo acquires Keynote Systems
*2014 Keynote Systems acquires Meucci Solutions
*2015 Keynote SIGOS rebranded to its original name SIGOS GmbH
SIGOS is a full member of ETSI, is accredited, in cooperation and/or certified by the GSM Association, the GSM Association Open Connectivity Solution Provider, the LGA InterCert GmbH, the British Approval Board for Telecommunications, One M2M and the 3rd Generation Partnership Project.
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