Sheikh Waziri

Sheikh Waziri (born 31 July 1985 in Lagos, Nigeria) is a Nigerian British professional boxer based in London who fights in the Heavyweight division.
Professional career
Sheikh took up boxing in 2008 on the white-collar amateur competition and progressed to semi-professional unlicensed competition where he won the British and European heavy weight title. Sheikh turned to professional boxing after having to deal with the tragic loss of his sister in 2016 and subsequently his father 2017. He is an orthodox boxer who turned professional from the unlicensed boxing background. Sheikh’s record consists of a few wins,1 draw and a loss.
Personal life
Sheikh Waziri is also a Security Industry trainer, a practicing security and risk management consultant and professional British Bodyguard. Sheikh started his career as a security operative in 2006 working in the night-time economy. He has also worked as a public service sessional lecturer at Derby College. Sheikh runs two security companies, Phoenix SW Security in Nigeria and Shield Transatlantic Security in the UK. He has a BA (Hons)in Crime and Justice from the University of Derby, and a Masters in security management from Loughborough University.
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