Sekolah Katolik Eka Prasetia

Sekolah Katolik Eka Prasetia (Eka Prasetia Catholic School) is a private Catholic charity school located in Pamulang, West Java, Indonesia. The school teaches the national curriculum with Catholic standards. The school provides kindergartens and year one to year nine.
Student Body
The school has a student body only in Junior High School (year seven to year nine) which is known as OSIS (Organisasi Siswa Intra Sekolah)
Primary schools (Sekolah Dasar) and kindergartens (Taman Kanak-Kanak) students wear a white short-sleeve shirt with white shorts for male students, and below-knee skirts for females every Monday; a white short-sleeve with red shorts/skirts every Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday; and a red plaid shirt with white shorts/skirts on Thursday.
Lower Secondary schools require navy shorts with a short-sleeve white shirt for male students followed by a below-knee-length navy skirt, and short-sleeve white shirt for females on Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday; Batik every Wednesday; and are required to dress decently free every Friday.
Type of Tests
At the end of a semester (usually November/May), students from grades 1-9 take semester tests. For grades 6 and 9 they have extra tests, such as try out, practical, national and school final exams.
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