TTh (or sometimes TTH or T-TH) is used as an unofficial short-hand for «Tuesdays & Thursdays» in school schedules. It is used by schools on all levels when discussing and creating schedules, but is more common on the high school and college levels where students do not have the same schedule every day. It is used when columns need to be very narrow on scheduling tables and the comma plus extra space will create an unintended new row or other unwanted formatting issues.
In many colleges in the US the standard three credit semester course meets either on Monday, Wednesday and Friday or on Tuesday and Thursday. The former often is written in schedule bulletins as simply MWF, the latter TTh. The version with a hyphen (T-TH) can be confusing as the hyphen means inclusive whereas a comma creates a list. For example, M-F means Monday thru Friday, but T, TH means Tuesday & Thursday only.
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