Sascha Sharma

Sascha Nitin Sharma is a German fighter with Indian roots. He was the first fighter with Indian roots to ever compete at the reality show The Ultimate Fighter and the second German. He also fought on an international level at M1 Global and the Super Fight League. He was competing mainly in the lightweight division.
Sascha Nitin Sharma was born as the first of three childs in Bretten Germany. He grew up in the town of Birkenfeld. In 1998 Sascha suffered to the Guillan-Barrè-Syndrome which made him unable to walk. During rehabilitation the same year he had to learn how to walk again. During 2006 to 2010 Sharma studied Sociology and German language and made his Bachelor of Arts degree. From 2010 to 2012 he studied communication science and made his Master of Arts degree. He was working as a journalist for the Badische Neueste Nachrichten and the gaming website 2013 he became trainer at Kong's Gym Stuttgart and he is also leading Kong's Gym Pforzheim
Fighting career
2008 he started boxing at Boxenter Pforzheim. In 2010 he began training Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu at Kong's Gym Stuttgart under Oliver Maier. From 2010 to 2012 he studied in Greifswald and therefore trained at MMA Team East. During this time he started competing in Brazilian jiu-jitsu and Grappling.
2012 Sharma started Mixed Martial Arts and made his first fights. The same year he was nominated as one of the best newcomers by German magazine
2013 Sharma gave his international debut at the Indian-based Super Fight League. He won his fight against Marc Gomez Sarriol via unanimous decision.
2015 he successfully proceeded through the casting of the 22nd season of the Reality TV Show The Ultimate Fighter titled Europe vs USA. The team captains have been Conor McGregor and Urijah Faber. Sharma won his first bout but got injured during the first round. Despite the injury he competed the next fight and lost through a unanimous decision against Chris Gruetzemacher.
2016 Sharma debuted for the Russian MMA Promotion M1-Global. He fought against the later lightweight champion Alexander Butenko and lost via unanimous decision. In the same year he won the lightweight tournament Road to M1 Germany by winning all three fights. His teamcolleague Till Kinne won the welterweight division.
In 2017 he was fighting again for the Super Fight League in a team based league format. He fought for the Bengaluru Tigers in the lightweight division. He won both of his fights.
Before and during his MMA career Sharma competed in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, Grappling, Judo and Wrestling. He is a multiple time German Champion in his division, German ADCC Champion and NAGA Germany Champion.
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