Robert G. Anders

Robert Anders is a former American diplomat, best known as one of six American diplomats who escaped capture when Iranian Revolutionary Guards capture the US embassy.<ref nameTelegraph2012-10-20/><ref nameOttawaSun2017-01-17/> The six Americans were hidden in the homes of Canadian colleagues, for months. Ben Affleck directed a film, entitled portraying the subterfuge that allowed them to exit Iran.
When the heroic efforts made to protect the American diplomats, and the heroic efforts to rescue them, were made public, it was called The Canadian Caper.<ref name=TheNewspaper2012-11-16/>
Inaccuracies in Argo stirred controversy.<ref nameWapo2013-01-01/><ref nameNYTimes2012-10-16/><ref nametimescolonist2013-10-03/> Anders, and three other individuals, were hosted by Canadian diplomat John Sheardown, for three months.<ref nameWapo2012-11-16/> In an interview Anders gave to The New York Times, shortly after he returned to the United States, in 1980, that he and his colleagues spent six days before they found refuge with Canadian diplomats.<ref nameNYTimes1980-02-12/> In that interview Anders did not reveal how they escaped. According to some accounts Anders and the other five diplomats hid in his home, for weeks, before succeeding in calling for help from their opposite numbers from other nations.<ref nameHomeland2019-07-22/>
When the film came out Anders commented that it was the actual hostages, who spent over a year in Iranian custody, were the real heroes.<ref name=NYTimes2012-10-16/>
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